Looking for friends and motivation

Ok so here's the deal,

at the beginning of the year I got motivated and decided I was gonna change my overweight life and get in shape. I lost 15lbs and then all motivation left me. It was my last semester of school, I was juggling 3 jobs, 18 hrs in school, and volunteering on Fridays.. so yeah.. no wonder my motivation to workout and eat better left me.

But school passed.. and two months later I realized I gained all of that weight back.. and this time I'm serious.

I started my weight meter over last week and have started over!

I am changing my lifestyle, exercising, and eating better. Many of my friends on here went MIA for months so I cleaned a lot of the inactive people out and am now looking for more friends :)

I am always happy to give advice (I've been studying health like a madwoman) and criticism (as I need some too lol). And of course I am always here to MOTIVATE!

Please post what got/keeps you motivated, and anything else you'd like to add :)

Thanks for reading!


  • alxinhim2
    alxinhim2 Posts: 81 Member
    Im hangin around for anyone who wanted to talk about their stories! or share success!