Looking for Friends!

I've been creeping on the forum for about a week, too shy to post anything. I decided to change that today.

I've got a lot to lose. I'm 5'6, stepped on the scale a month ago, and learned I had reached 262 pounds--my highest yet. I've "dieted" several times, and once lost almost 70 pounds, but my methods weren't healthy, and not at all sustainable. I've realized now that limiting myself to only 1,000 Calories a day is a big no-no, but as a teenager, I'd get majorly depressed about my weight and want to lose it "fast." Of course, I'd burn out, and I'd eventually go back to eating my emotions, and then I'd be right back up to where I was before, if not higher. I shake my head at that now.

This time around, I'm working a lot more on actually exercising. I don't feel like I'm cutting myself out of major foods I like either; I've just switched around some ingredients, am trying to eat more fruits and veggies, and I've been handling my chocolate addiction by drinking less fatty shakes and more protein shakes. That said, I've always lived my life with a tendency to get on a few foods I LOVE and eat the heck out of them throughout a given week, so I'm interested to see what everyone else is eating for that amount of Calories. I'd like to start changing things up.

I've got a long journey ahead of me, and I'm definitely looking to meet more people on here to help with motivation, and vice-versa. :)