New to MyFitnessPal! Need some buddies!

Hello all,

My name is Kacee. I am a 20 year old college student with a major of Pre-Physcian Assistant. As much as I hate to admit it, I gained that "Freshman 15"... or maybe it was around 40. I've always been overweight for my height and age and haven't had much success in past dieting. My family is a HUGE influence as to why I want to get healthy. On my mother and father's side of the family, there are numerous heart problems, diabetes, and an overall problem with obesity. I just want to be healthy and get a grip on this thing before it gets too out of hand. Plus, I have quiet a collection of small clothes in my closet that I'd love to fit back into, lol. I am around 5'6 and I am starting at 205 pounds so my current goal is around 150 pounds or maybe even less.

I am new to myfitnesspal and need some people to share stories and tips with! (Recipes, too!) Feel free to add me or message me. :)
