Contrave.... anyone?



  • janalo55
    janalo55 Posts: 50 Member
    My doctor put me on Bupropion and Naltrexone separately to save money. She wanted the Naltrexone compounded so I had to wait for it, but told me to go ahead and start on the Bupropion. It worked for me immediately, before I even got the Naltrexone! In fact, compounded, the price of the Naltrexone really didn't make it cheaper than Contrave, and since it was working, I didn't fill that prescription. Eventually, it didn't seem to be working as well, so we added the N with me cutting it. I developed sciatic nerve pain that went away when I quit the N and came back when I restarted, so I am back to taking just B. As of today, November 1, 2018, I have lost 96# since July 6, 2017. I still have to work at this, but I was always able to do that until the cravings sabotaged me. It was like a wall slammed down and kept me from thinking about what I planned, until after the binge was over and then I just felt defeated. That doesn't happen anymore. So even if I want something I shouldn't have, I have found that walking away from it works. I have not cut anything out of my diet, just cut back and focus on stopping when I feel satisfied. I still have about 47 pounds to lose, unless I decide I'm fine before that, or decide to go a little further when I get there. My goal is 160 which at my height is moderate. It's been over 40 years since I've been there, so we'll see what I think of it!
  • investit
    investit Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2019
    janalo55 wrote: »
    My doctor put me on Bupropion and Naltrexone separately to save money. She wanted the Naltrexone compounded so I had to wait for it, but told me to go ahead and start on the Bupropion. It worked for me immediately, before I even got the Naltrexone! In fact, compounded, the price of the Naltrexone really didn't make it cheaper than Contrave, and since it was working, I didn't fill that prescription. Eventually, it didn't seem to be working as well, so we added the N with me cutting it. I developed sciatic nerve pain that went away when I quit the N and came back when I restarted, so I am back to taking just B. As of today, November 1, 2018, I have lost 96# since July 6, 2017. I still have to work at this, but I was always able to do that until the cravings sabotaged me. It was like a wall slammed down and kept me from thinking about what I planned, until after the binge was over and then I just felt defeated. That doesn't happen anymore. So even if I want something I shouldn't have, I have found that walking away from it works. I have not cut anything out of my diet, just cut back and focus on stopping when I feel satisfied. I still have about 47 pounds to lose, unless I decide I'm fine before that, or decide to go a little further when I get there. My goal is 160 which at my height is moderate. It's been over 40 years since I've been there, so we'll see what I think of it!

    I know this is rather old but you may still see it
    You don't need to pay to have Naltrexone compounded to meet your specific needs
    You can take one pill (50mg) and mix it (glass container) with 50mg of water. Let it dissolve throughly, then use a small syringe each time to draw out the amount you take.