Unintentional cheat day



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited June 2018
    ^^This. Except maybe not the doughnut, if I'm recalling correctly that you have gluten sensitivity. But you don't need to add restrictions like no packaged food to make your life harder and put more food off limits.

    Yep. If that is the case skip the doughnut and go back to the ice cream.
  • 23rochelle23
    23rochelle23 Posts: 269 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hahahaha oh dear - you did see where I said I realised I was under and started eating more right?

    Honestly shift work screws with your eating patterns and energy levels - getting home and choosing to go to bed rather than eat makes me less likely to drive the 5T truck into someone while I’m working.

    I’m trying to stay away from packaged food for health/trying not to create so much waste - I’m still having protein shakes when I can’t be bothered making food. And it’s not that I don’t want to meal prep - I jokingly asked someone to do it for me - I’m sure everyone has days when they can’t be bothered making food.

    I just hadn’t considered the week as a whole and thought more day to day - honestly I barely know what day it is when I’m on nights let alone what I have or haven’t eaten by the next day!

    Thanks for the help/concern team - I promise I’ll be more prepared for my next lot of nights which is where I tend to undereat. ❤️❤️
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Haha didn’t think anyone was being mean ❤️ - as I said once I tracked and realised how low it was I did try and up it. I’m trying to completely avoid prepackaged stuff (except a bit of dark choc lol) but nuts are a good shout - I did buy some macadamias last week (not as healthy as almonds but more delicious).
    Honestly ambulance work is fairly sedentary - I walk 3-5000 steps on a 12 hr shift - I used to do more during an office day in my previous life - the only hard work we do is lifting (which is why I weight lift at the gym - and mfp doesn’t allow you to deduct calories for weight lifting)
    I just double checked my activity level etc cause it was set up ages ago and it is down as active - I think my calories are low cause I’m very short

    It does if you log strength training in the cardio section

    My brother works on an ambulance too and he is by far not sedentary