Fell off the wagon and CANNOT get back on.....getting depressed and frustrated



  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    I empathise completely with you, I started last September with lots of enthusiasm and have lost 28lb since then but lately I have been slipping and, for me, it's all to do with state of mind. I was in a happy place when I started and really took control because I was strong, but at the moment I'm feeling down due to family problems and food is my comfort - what goes in my mouth the one thing that I'm fully in control of and the attitude is "I want it, I'm going to have it, because I can".
    It's a constant battle and like you said I know exactly what to do but I just can't do it, the day starts off well but by night time when I'm sitting on my own with the TV I just want to eat.
    Writing this though has helped and I'm going to have a long hard talk with myself and then do some food planning for the next few days - and I'm not doing my usual shop either, if it isn't in the house I can't eat it can I