10 kilos since the start of this year - from "plump" to "toned"

zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
I started back counting calories in the middle of January and have lost about 10 kilos since then. There have been a lot of ups and downs, but weight has consistently gone down, not at the rate that it says it should according to the MFP goals (I have mine at 1200 calories per day), but I have taken into consideration that my calorie counting may not be perfect and that even though the goal is 1200, the weekly average ends up being 1350-1500 (a few weeks here and there are higher than that, but it's like a 1 or 2 month occurrence). I'm really happy. My cardio endurance has increased. My muscles have got bigger. I'm working on paying attention to my macronutrients (protein is the one I have to make an effort to get).

I'm pretty tall (5'8" / 175 cm), but at 76 kilos I was starting to feel really uncomfortable in my own body. I'd wear a mixture of tight clothing below and flowing clothing above to look like I was slim, but when I took the clothing off I'd have to face my bodily discomfort. It mostly didn't bother me except for when I just came back from the gym and changed back into normal clothing. I mean it's not like I was even that fat, I was just a bit "plump" really. And I'm not even the type of person who is always watching movies and reading magazines (when I do I really notice the bombardment of extremely slim, lythe women and bulky men).

But the important thing for me was that I set a goal to lose 15 kilos. And now that I am almost 3 thirds on the way to reaching that goal, I gotta start thinking about what to do after that. :D


  • LoreeBelle
    LoreeBelle Posts: 196 Member
    Congratulations on your success!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    After reaching my weight, my goal has been to maintain successfully and continue improving my fitness.
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