Post Surgery Motivation

Hey, all.

I'v not been in the gym for a few months after having a Umbilical hernia and then the subsequent surgery to fix said hernia. It's been about a month since having the surgery and I'm already able to lift things, albeit lighter than usual things.

I'm looking to get back into doing what I enjoy in regards to gym and dieting but figure some helpful motivation wouldn't go a miss.

Have you been through the same process?

Thanks B)


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I've had shoulder surgery twice. It takes the wind out of your sails. I found that keeping diet and cardio going while you recover is best. At a minimum you can walk. Adding back range of motion and strength is a slow, steady process that requires patience. A plateau is a success during recovery.
  • inconsequential01
    inconsequential01 Posts: 529 Member
    Had 3 intestinal operations to remove sections of colon. Third had colon totally removed and connected back up so no stoma bag as yet. Started here years ago and been on and off. Its difficult but you just have to go and do all you can but always listen to your body when it screams its had enough.