Ladies only: time of the month + weight

Hey ladies!
I thought it would be interesting to start a discussion about our time of the month, how much does the scale go up? How long does it stay up? Do you normally have a big drop in weight towards or at the end of your cycle?

I just went on a weeklong beach vacation, got home at 184 lbs, next Day was 179.4 but I’m starting today or tomorrow & since I’ve gotten home I’ve been stuck at 179.4 exactly! I feel the bloat & cramping so I’m praying after my period I’ll be back to pre vacation weight 176!


  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    edited June 2018
    My period doesn't effect my weight at all. I lose 2lb every week even the week of my period, the week before and after, and considering I have a period every 21 days I only really have 1 week off so to speak, so it's a good job it doesn't interfere with my weight.
  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    I used to bloat like crazy every month, especially if I gave into the salty food cravings I always had. I’d gain about five pounds a week before my period, and it would drop after the first day of my period. I finally started on hormonal birth control and it has completely stopped the bloating and cravings. I didn’t gain weight on it either.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited June 2018
    During the follicular phase I usually stay steady or drop a pound or so, not much (this is ok because I'm maintaining for the most part but still eat a slight deficit and don't log super-carefully as I did when losing). Very high energy.

    During ovulation I stay steady too, not up or down usually in weight. A few cravings during this time too, but not at any other time in my cycle. Also VERY energetic and active during this phase. I'll come home from work and eat dinner, clean house, have sex with my husband and then still want to walk several miles for exercise after that.

    During my luteal phase, despite some low energy days (not wanting to do much of anything but relax after work) I do seem to have the higher metabolism that some studies have weight drops every month between 2-5 lb and even when I eat a lot more during that phase I don't gain, in fact I rarely even see sodium reflected in my weight during that week which is kind of nice but can put me in a false sense of security. Clothes look great on me during that week! I wish it could last 3 weeks, haha. I often try to time vacations with this phase and it really works. Zero weight gain.

    Then as soon as my actual menstruating begins, ugh. A little bit of bloat usually and sometimes up by 1-2 lb during that time. My energy is a little higher than during the luteal phase, but I am grumpier and more sensitive until the menstruating ends.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    xxpeople2 wrote: »
    Hey ladies!
    I thought it would be interesting to start a discussion about our time of the month, how much does the scale go up? How long does it stay up? Do you normally have a big drop in weight towards or at the end of your cycle?

    I just went on a weeklong beach vacation, got home at 184 lbs, next Day was 179.4 but I’m starting today or tomorrow & since I’ve gotten home I’ve been stuck at 179.4 exactly! I feel the bloat & cramping so I’m praying after my period I’ll be back to pre vacation weight 176!

    From when I'd been tracking my weight (weighing myself 3x daily) depending on where I am with my goals, I always lose a whole lot (when that is the target), after my monthlies.

  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    As far as I can tell, since I don’t track temperature and therefore can’t be certain about when I ovulate, I start retaining water sometime near the start of the luteal phase. During or after my period, I lose 4-5lb in water weight in about a day. Yes, yes I do spend a lot of that day in the bathroom...

    Timings can vary based on stress or illness. I’m currently very bitter, since illness meant I held onto the water longer than usual after my last period, and this cycle I seem to have ovulated early, meaning I only got one week this month when I WASN’T retainng water!
  • mazcor536
    mazcor536 Posts: 115 Member
    I’ve only tracked periods for the past 3 cycles so far and for me, yes, it does appear that I gain 3-5lbs the week leading up to period and then whoosh in the second half of period week.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Period-related weight gain is temporary water retention and nothing to be concerned with. The only reason to be aware of it is so that women don't freak out that they're packing on pounds of fat. :)
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    I actually tend to lose a lot of weight during shark week. I feel so sick and nauseous i usually can hardly eat!! For some reason my muscles throughout my entire body also get really sore like I've done major weight lifting or something for the past month, it sucks. I'm dealing with it this week, all I did was walk this weekend and a little bit of yard work and it hurts just to sit down or even breathe. Shark week I tend to cut down on my exercise because of this...
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    edited June 2018
    I don't find it really affects my weight that much. Sometimes I will stay the same or go up half a pound, but then lose a chunk a few days into my period. My net trend by the end of the period is that I have lost weight overall. My resting heart rate goes up 5-10 beats per minute in the 5 days leading up to cycle start, so it seems my metabolism revs up a bit and gives me a bit of a boost most months.

    I drink a LOT of water each day so I typically don't get much fluid retention over all.