Does it matter what I eat?

I've seen a different set of opinions here, but I'm seriously wondering. Does it matter what I eat as long as i can fit it into my calories for the day? For example, I ate two slices of pizza and some soda yesterday but still went under my calories, so will I still lose weight or gain it because i ate "bad" food?


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    A calorie deficit is all that is needed to lose weight. There is no reason to label foods as good or bad. Eat foods for nutrition, save some room for extra things you enjoy (like pizza) and exercise for fitness.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    You will still lose weight, as long as you stay in a deficit.

    Health issues may be another matter, if you eat too many of the "bad" foods (as you put it), but if you can fit some occasional pizza into your daily/weekly plans, good for you.
  • My personal opinion is you should be trying to eat healthy at least most of the time. I try to get into my day 2 servings of dairy, minimum 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, picking complex carbs over simple carbs most of the time, getting 2-3 servings of lean protein a day and at least 2 tsp of a healthy oil in daily. Are there days I don't get these all in yes of course but I feel better and have less cravings if I do this.

    I still enjoy and work into my day things I enjoy like pizza, cookies, candies, etc. But they are planned for.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    It really doesn't matter for weight loss, but I believe it matters for overall health. I still eat some of those things we think of as forbidden, but try to concentrate on healthier choices which can help with blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood pressure, etc. And the bonus is you usually can eat more of the better choices than the ones that are less healthy.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    You can lose weight eating anything so long as you're at a deficit. Being healthy, however, is another matter. Healthy foods lead to a healthy body overall.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Weight loss is about the calories.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    For losing weight...nope. doesn't matter. For a healthy body that looks and feels good and functions the way it should..yup..matters a lot.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I've seen a different set of opinions here, but I'm seriously wondering. Does it matter what I eat as long as i can fit it into my calories for the day? For example, I ate two slices of pizza and some soda yesterday but still went under my calories, so will I still lose weight or gain it because i ate "bad" food?

    For weight loss, no. You just need a calorie deficit. However, the sodium in processed food/fast food/junk food can make your body retain water weight.

    For health, yes, it does matter. Most people agree some pizza and soda once in a while won't hurt you and is good for the psyche (unless it triggers a binge). I don't want to eat food like that. The grease in the pizza breaks my skin out. The soda is just chemicals and sugar. I don't like the artificial taste. Water is a lot better for my body. Instead of artery clogging pizza, I prefer food with better nutrition, a lean protein or beans with a salad or leafy greens like kale.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I've seen a different set of opinions here, but I'm seriously wondering. Does it matter what I eat as long as i can fit it into my calories for the day? For example, I ate two slices of pizza and some soda yesterday but still went under my calories, so will I still lose weight or gain it because i ate "bad" food?

    Calories are the only significant factor for weight loss.

    Eating a varied diet with a balance of nutrients is beneficial for other reasons. And there are small differences in the way our bodies process various types of food, but basically these things don't matter for weight loss (or gain). Anyone who tells you different is either selling something or doesn't know what they're talking about.
  • rtrcarrie
    rtrcarrie Posts: 50 Member
    You can lose weight eating anything so long as you're at a deficit. Being healthy, however, is another matter. Healthy foods lead to a healthy body overall.

    I couldn't agree more!
    My husband and I have changed our diets around to a more healthy style and we both feel MUCH better for it. Sure, we could have lost weight eating the same foods we used to and just ate a lot less of them at a time, but then we would still be sluggish all the time and not feel so much better that the thought of going back to eating so many unhealthy foods or healthy foods prepared in unhealthy ways is something that doesn't even enter our thoughts.
  • rtrcarrie
    rtrcarrie Posts: 50 Member

    Calories are the only significant factor for weight loss.

    Eating a varied diet with a balance of nutrients is beneficial for other reasons. And there are small differences in the way our bodies process various types of food, but basically these things don't matter for weight loss (or gain). Anyone who tells you different is either selling something or doesn't know what they're talking about.

    YES, he is right about the loosing or maintaining weight factor. You can do it on fewer calories of unhealthy or unhealthily prepared foods, but do you want to be healthy and at a healthy weight or at a healthy weight with health issues caused by unhealthy eating habits? THAT is the question you have to ask yourself.

    I have pizza sometimes and I LOVE pepperoni, but since it is not part of my regular diet it's not hurting my health. Same is true for hamburgers, nachos, and a Payday candy bar. My blood tests (done yearly at work for free so I take them up on it !LOL!) are all MUCH better than they once were. I was not and am not diabetic BTW. That's what most people think when I say something about blood tests. I am simply talking about regular testing like CBC, Liver Panel, and Thyroid Panels. My blood sugar has never been an issue but yes it is on a safer side of the "normal" range now that I don't drink soda and eat candy bars so regularly. Fruit is a GREAT substitute and fills you up better actually! Bake, broil, and grill your meat instead of deep frying. Use spices for flavor and enjoy the tastes!

    So do what you choose to do as long as you are happy with your choice and yourself, but don't think for one minute that eating unhealthy and unhealthily prepared foods is not an issue as long as you do it under a certain calorie count. Unhealthy is unhealthy no matter how many calories you are talking about.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Weight loss is about the calories.

    and health is about what types of food you eat.