Incorporating FRUIT in your diet... tips and/or recipes?



  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    You know tomatoes and bell peppers are fruit, but I wouldn't recommend them for a fruit salad.

    So add tomatoes and bell peppers to salads.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    You can get most of what you need nutritionally speaking with veg. Berries and cherries and other fruits are rich in anthocyanins which is a particular antioxidant that is harder to find in veg, but you can get it if you eat red beets, red cabage, red onion, and egg plant.

    I'm not a big fruit eater...I eat more in the summer for sure though. I usually stick to apples in the winter and the occasional grapefruit. In the summer I enjoy a variety of berries and cherries and peaches, but I don't eat them in great quantity...usually a serving of fruit in a given day...occasionally 2. I get most of those nutrients with veg.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Eating fruit is not required for health as long as you are eating veggies.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I have berries in yoghurt or cottage cheese some mornings. Find the fruit you like and have it in sight and available at all times, and make yourself a little snack rule that you'll have fruit first and then the other thing if you still really want it.

    For me it's Pink Lady or Cripp's Pink apples, or Honeycrisp if I'm feeling baller. Pears, cantaloupe, sometimes watermelon, cuties or halos or whatever sweet little tangerines are around. Right now lychees and cherries, peaches. I get a punnet of strawberries every couple of weeks and always have blueberries, I occasionally try black and raspberries but they go bad so fast I'm meh on them.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    Sally’s Baking Addiction has some amazing recipes for high fibre and low fat fruit muffins with apples and blackberries in. Arguably you could swap out the fruit for something else if you prefer