Overwhelmed to try again

This is my third time trying to lose weight. I get results but I keep giving up and end up gaining it back. I wish I had someone to push me and help me stay motivated.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't lose weight by trying, and certainly not by giving up. You lose weight by eating a little less, but consistently, for real, and for a long time. Motivation is your desire and drive. You have to find that desire and drive within yourself. Don't expect to always feel motivated, motivation comes and goes. You can still eat less.
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    You are the only one with responsibility for losing your weight. Relying on someone else to push you isn't fair to the other person and is doomed to fail eventually. You need to do this for yourself.

    Work out your reasons for losing weight and and think about how they outweigh the reasons not to. One reason might be so that you never have to start over in this position again! Making good choices a lifetime habit is the way to keep weight off, nobody is constantly motivated. You can do it once you can do it again, and make it stick this time.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    So you try again, and lose a little weight, and give up trying because it's too hard or whatever reason you tell yourself, and you gain that weight back. Suppose that takes, for example, two months.

    What results will you get if you just spend that two months overeating, instead of trying to learn to lose weight and keep it off? Will overeating for two more months make you happier, or less happy?

    I was yoyo dieter and a serial starter. Eventually i tried enough and learned enough to succeed. Now I am in maintenance at my goal weight. I will stay at goal if and only if I decide most every day to sacrifice mindnumbing overeating in order to stay healthy and comfortable. Hint: worth it.