Gym question

I'm starting the gym again in hope of loosing weight. Any suggestions regarding routine or machines to focus more attention on? I would very much appreciate some guidance.


  • Rose18l
    Rose18l Posts: 147 Member
    What will be best for you depends on your goals and current situation. What are your goals?
  • MrsSanchez01
    MrsSanchez01 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to drop 50lbs
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Weight loss is all about eating less. Log every bite every day. Do that till you don't mind doing it any more. Gym is great for getting stronger and more fit, but as they say... "you can't out-train a bad diet".
  • abs1970
    abs1970 Posts: 235 Member
    Nutrition is the most important factor. Make sure you log everything you eat, keep to a calorie deficit every day and you will lose weight. It's that simple!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    For general fitness, a common plan that works well is full-body strength training every 2-3 days, and cardio of your choice on 2-3 non-strength days. Other schedules can work too.
    For strength, good programs include New Rules of Lifting for Women, and Stronglifts 5x5. There's also one in my profile.
    For cardio, start short and add a few minutes each workout.
    For weight loss, read the pinned post in the General Diet forum. :+1:
  • MeteoraTitanium
    MeteoraTitanium Posts: 102 Member
    Anything that gets your heart rate up, cycling, running, rowing, free weights, kettlebells...