I've Come This Far... Time to Up My Game with MFP, FitBit and Accountability Friends

jmrose138 Posts: 3 Member
edited June 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys. I am Jenifer. Over the course of my 14 year marriage, I gained over 100 pounds. I came here to MFP or would make some other half hearted vow to "get healthy" a few times and never quite stuck to it. I was miserable - with myself and in my marriage (thankfully that's behind me now) - and in 2016 decided I was going to commit to a Bettering Myself Movement. Nothing strict or major but I did get healthier and started -unfortunately only sporadically - working out. I've actually kept an ongoing list of ways I've improved myself and am proud to say that list is now on it's second page in my planner.

In November 2016, I finally left the abusive marriage. I thought life would get oh so much better then... I didn't count on my ankle screwing with me. In March, two weeks after moving into my own apartment, I tripped over the stairs. Since May 2017, I have had three ankle surgeries and spent the majority of the year either completely off my feet, bed or couch ridden, or in a cumbersome cast with crutches. I am finally through surgeries (dangit, there better not be any more!), many weeks of PT and have been released by the surgeon to go back to "active". Since I started the Bettering Movement, I have lost over 100 pounds but now I am ready to dive in and put some serious effort behind my health and fitness.

For three weeks now, I have been regularly going to the gym and throwing in some swimming and hiking as well. I meet with a trainer Friday to come up with a regular routine to follow (because I am honestly ignorant about what I need to be doing and how). I do not have a "goal weight" (though MFP asked me to set one... I did. Some arbitrary number! HAHA take THAT computer!) nor do I want to be "bikini body ready". I just want to be healthy. I love the way I feel when I do work out (I told the new boyfriend I will never take a drug to get high when I can just exercise for an hour and get a healthy high HA) and the health benefits are too much to ignore. So I am hoping this new "wind" to get fit sticks with me. I have signed up for a mud race in September - not because I am a runner (I am definitely NOT!!) but because I recently stepped out of my comfort zone and competed in a small scale mud obstacle course for a leadership retreat I went to and realized I loved it. The ex husband and the kids all laughed years ago when I told them I wanted to do a "real" one and one of my goals is to be able to complete it without coming in dead last. (I have NO desire to place high in the results or anything, I just think it is a ton of fun and dammit - don't tell me I CAN'T do something!!)

I come to MFP for the tracking and such but I would love it if I could find some accountability friends, maybe some people to do FitBit challenges with me, or just have encouragement partners.

Have a wonderful week!


  • crisartemismfp
    crisartemismfp Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I could use accountability friends and I have fitbit, we should add each other
  • jmrose138
    jmrose138 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, please, let's do that! I am not quite sure how to do that on FitBit yet.... My username is Jenifer Rose