Omg the scale is the devil

Hey fitness fam. A few days ago I decided to take my health serious and signed up for kickboxing. And boy do I tell u it kicked my a$* lol but I made it thru, asthma and all, before all I stepped on the scale and that sucker said 296... omg. Scale say what? 4lbs away from 300 I was then at my biggest point ever. Today, 1 week later I am down 6 lbs and so proud of myself. I stay motivated by just making little goals ie: doing a full burpee instead of loss of lbs. anyone else have any motivational tips and stories of their devil scale? Share please


  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I take measurements as well, and whenever the scale is doing its tricks, I take the measurements. It’s always a loss on at least some part of my body.
  • MzJNickz
    MzJNickz Posts: 4 Member
    Off with the dragon pants head!!! Lol u got this I’m working on the same goal... fitting into my closet full of clothes that I haven’t worn since 2 summers ago... it looks really nice... ya know? Like a department store lol but all u can do is look and keep it moving... lol everyday I look and say oh this is nice then head right to the dresser and pull out my leggings and tee.
  • clhuff1001
    clhuff1001 Posts: 1 Member
    Keep it up... you got this
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    MzJNickz wrote: »
    Off with the dragon pants head!!! Lol u got this I’m working on the same goal... fitting into my closet full of clothes that I haven’t worn since 2 summers ago... it looks really nice... ya know? Like a department store lol but all u can do is look and keep it moving... lol everyday I look and say oh this is nice then head right to the dresser and pull out my leggings and tee.

    Yes. XD My closet is full of beautiful things.

    But! But! Then you have days like today... when you unearth a treasure and put it on and WHAM. It fits!!
  • MzNiki91
    MzNiki91 Posts: 19 Member
    You got this..My wake up call was similar when I stepped on the scale for the 1st time in a while? I started looking at myself completely different in the mirror after got this! Congratulations on wthe weight loss so far & keep going!
  • MzJNickz
    MzJNickz Posts: 4 Member
    Thank u @MzNiki91 this community is so supportive. It’s like a whole family that can identify with your struggle.
  • MzNiki91
    MzNiki91 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree @MzJNickz no matter where I post everybody is willing to be supportive in some way..I havent stuck to a regime this long b4 & its bc of this app & the ppl..tho admittedly I did binge a bit at a bday part Fri night lol I will make it up with either less calories or extra happens ig