Eating for Two while pregnant



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight and back to the gym but I didn't get fatter becuase I eat for 2, I got fater becuase of the stress and sheer overwhelming nature of my pregnancies

    And you ate more calories than you needed. You have some legitimate excuses but it still comes down to calories in, calories out.

    I find it amusing that the people who watched their weight while pregnant agree with the OP and those who gained "baby weight" are all sure it wasn't their fault.

    Um I dont think you can narrow it down to that simple statement. If you notice the posters story she had quite a traumatic pregnancy.

    I find it amusing that someone cant believe the only reason to gain weight during pregnancy is from food. Find it amusing we dont consider edema or the fact women's blood volume increases by 60% for a normal singleton pregnancy.

    Weight gain in pregnancy is normal!!!!!
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I have a friend who even started losing weight while pregnant after changing her diet after she found out she had gestational diabetes. Doc said nothing wrong with it as Baby was growing normally... Just said not to eat a dificiency.

    ^^This was soo me
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I lost weight when I was in first trimester with DS. I puked up everything, all the time. Later in the pregnancy I was still throwing up randomly, even though I had figured out and was avoiding most trigger foods. Impossible to count calories when you don't know if you'll throw up your meal plan today, or how much of it you'll get to absorb.

    Still gained about 25-30 pounds by the end of pregnancy. Apparently water didn't weigh anything because I only lost 10 after giving birth...and he was a 9.25 pound baby.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I find it amusing that someone cant believe the only reason to gain weight during pregnancy is from food. Find it amusing we dont consider edema or the fact women's blood volume increases by 60% for a normal singleton pregnancy.

    Weight gain in pregnancy is normal!!!!!

    Weight gain DURING pregnancy is normal. You are carrying a baby, fluids, etc. You should gain 25 lbs or so DURING pregnancy. Within 6 weeks after delivery that should all be gone as the baby, etc is now gone. Whatever is left over is fat you accumulated during the pregnancy. Sugar coat it anyway you like but there is no reason beyond over eating to gain excess weight with a pregnancy.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    From what I have Gerard, it's twice the nutrients rather than eating enough for two. First pregnancy I lost a little, then didn't gain much more than the baby and not that much fluid. I lost most of that with in a few weeks, back to less than my pre pregnancy weight. I gained more in my second, due to pre eclampsia . Tmi, but I swear I peed out 10 kilos in my 5 days in hospital. Both times I didn't look due for a baby. Most of my weight gain came from staying at home. I have a hard time making friends. Then feeling depressed and eating too much crap, not enough healthy food. If I was ever to get pregnant again, I would just eat what I felt I need to eat. Not planning on doing that again though....
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Gaining 25 pounds is healthy and OK during a pregnancy. That extra 300 calories a day starts to add up over 9 months.

    Either way, some women who never got to eat what they wanted suddenly felt like they can and went on six month binges. Multiple births can also mean a heavier weight gain. A mom of quads can gain 100 pounds because she literally has to eat every 30 minutes.

    Anyway, I'm not tough on women with baby weight but there are a lot of people on MFP who love to blame people for their own problems. I guess that's their way of thinking it will never happen to them.
  • Tishrei
    Tishrei Posts: 86 Member
    I find it amusing that someone cant believe the only reason to gain weight during pregnancy is from food. Find it amusing we dont consider edema or the fact women's blood volume increases by 60% for a normal singleton pregnancy.

    Weight gain in pregnancy is normal!!!!!

    Weight gain DURING pregnancy is normal. You are carrying a baby, fluids, etc. You should gain 25 lbs or so DURING pregnancy. Within 6 weeks after delivery that should all be gone as the baby, etc is now gone. Whatever is left over is fat you accumulated during the pregnancy. Sugar coat it anyway you like but there is no reason beyond over eating to gain excess weight with a pregnancy.

    not true.

    hormones can wreak havoc on the metabolism. I did not overeat during my pg's (was monitored by my midwife) plus I exercised all the way through. I gain 50+ lb each time. I lost it after each baby but it took a year after each one.
    I was eating as little as possible to cover my nutritional requirements, I had no control over my weight gain. in fact, I usually gain 20 lb in the first trimester even though I puke all day long.

    of course, I roll my eyes at pg women who seem to crave donuts and chocolate and then wonder why they gained so much, but there are sometimes other reasons pg women gain more than they 'should'.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Stumbled on this when I was trying to figure calories for my borderline-bedridden mom... depends on what trimester but it's nowhere near double an adult's bmr, let alone maintenance calories.