Sharing your food diary

Do you think sharing your food diary motivates you and makes you think more about what you eat knowing other people will see it?

I've always kept mine private but a few of my friends are open about theirs and wondered if it makes a difference.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I typically don't "diary creep" and it doesn't bother me if other people do it to me. I simply have mine public so if people have kind suggestions, they can tell me...but that's only if those kind suggestions are from knowledgeable people on my friends list who know what my goals are.

    My diary is pre-planned, so getting me to think more about it doesn't really apply to me. I choose foods days before I eat them and I arrange them carefully so I meet all my goals without the guesswork usually involved in meal preparation.

    I suppose if I ate "bad" and never hit my goals, then it would cause some stress having an open diary.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I like seeing other people's diaries. It gives me ideas for my own meals! I have my diary set to friends only, but I do think it keeps me a little bit accountable. Not motivational, but accountable. But yea... love getting meal ideas from others :P
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    It doesn't motivate me just because I don't think anyone really cares but me. My inclination would be to keep it private like everything else but I have it open because enjoy looking at peoples diaries myself so it seems only fair. That and I know people who are interested in eating LCHF find it helpful to see real life examples to get a feel for whether they can commit to that sort of eating plan.
  • kateowp
    kateowp Posts: 103 Member
    It doesn't motivate me just because I don't think anyone really cares but me. My inclination would be to keep it private like everything else but I have it open because enjoy looking at peoples diaries myself so it seems only fair.

    This. I look in other people's medicine cabinets too.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    It doesn't motivate me just because I don't think anyone really cares but me. My inclination would be to keep it private like everything else but I have it open because enjoy looking at peoples diaries myself so it seems only fair. That and I know people who are interested in eating LCHF find it helpful to see real life examples to get a feel for whether they can commit to that sort of eating plan.

    This. That is to say, I share because I want to browse others for inspiration.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    It doesn't motivate me just because I don't think anyone really cares but me. My inclination would be to keep it private like everything else but I have it open because enjoy looking at peoples diaries myself so it seems only fair. That and I know people who are interested in eating LCHF find it helpful to see real life examples to get a feel for whether they can commit to that sort of eating plan.

    Yup. Like another user sometimes it also gives me ideas, especially if I'm in a food rut.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Do you think sharing your food diary motivates you and makes you think more about what you eat knowing other people will see it?
    I've always kept mine private for fear I'd be tempted to dress it up and make it look good. It's hard enough to be brutally honest with myself. I don't want spectators. I don't even let my wife see it.

    I've lost 45 pounds and have been on maintenance since May of last year so it's working for me.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Yes it motivate me a bit, but mostly I just like to be open. If I see someone posting a great success then I'll go and check it out see if I can get some new ideas. Why not, really?!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I have mine set to "Friends" and it doesn't really change what I log and eat. I figure if people have sent a friend request they've seen something I posted in the past about how I eat so they shouldn't be too shocked by pop tarts or fries. I have friends now who still have private diaries. I have no problem with that either. The food diary is to track and keep yourself informed. If you want to allow others to see it and comment that's fine. If not that's fine too.
  • elpurple
    elpurple Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for your replies. I guess people know I'm on here because I eat too much so it shouldn't be a suprise! At least I'm trying to do something positive about it and suggestions about lower calorie alternatives would be welcomed.
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    I have had a few friends who have just started MFP, it's good to look at theirs and they look at mine, but once people get over the initial "there is nothing I can eat" misconception, they don't really look at others food diaries... Or at least, I don't.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I like seeing other people's diaries. It gives me ideas for my own meals! I have my diary set to friends only, but I do think it keeps me a little bit accountable. Not motivational, but accountable. But yea... love getting meal ideas from others :P

  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    It doesn't motivate me at all. I keep mine open just because. I have nothing to be ashamed of and it might help someone else trying to pursue a similar diet plan to mine.

    I did have a funny moment when making a recipe tonight though. I always add a tsp of sugar to chili based recipes and I typed organic sugar into the title instead of ingredients and didn't notice until I looked at my diary. When I first accidentally posted something like 269 calories of "organic sugar" I did have a laugh at what any diary creepers would think if they read that. LMAO.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Mine is set to "friends".
    It doesn't influence what or how I eat.
    I sometimes look at diaries because I am interested what people eat in other countries as it's quite an international community.
    Sometimes you get nice dinner ideas too, or share recipes.
    I do 5:2 and it's helpful to see how other folk manage their fast days etc.
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    only one person (my best friend) can see mine, and if she tells me off I know im being bad XD
    I have done manual food diary's for over 7 years (paper and pen style)...and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. DAY recorded... even Christmas. But I never showed anyone them.

    habits are hard to change I guess.