Does anyone else include there BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) in their daily exercises? I do it so I can get a more accurate estimate for the 5 week estimated weight-loss.


  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited June 2018
    Your BMR is the amount of calories you need if you were bedridden, with no extra movement. I don't understand your question.
  • rj0150684
    rj0150684 Posts: 227 Member
    Your goal calories provided by MFP is your estimated BMR plus an adjustment for activity level, minus your target deficit. If you add your BMR in as exercise, you’d basically be doubling up your goal and, unless you had really weird stats, you’d gain weight. Probably a lot.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Orbisia wrote: »
    Does anyone else include there BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) in their daily exercises? I do it so I can get a more accurate estimate for the 5 week estimated weight-loss.

    That would be doing it wrong and making it less accurate as your BMR is already estimated and then multiplied by your activity setting as part of working out your daily calorie goal.
    Ideally you should be estimating your net exercise calories.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Nope. MFP already determines how much you burn through your BMR and non-exercise activity, so to log that would be double dipping.
  • Orbisia
    Orbisia Posts: 5 Member
    I see. I didn’t know that. I’m glad I asked