No longer wanting to feel fat & sassy

When people would talk about exercise and eating right and counting calories , I instantly shut down and take myself away from the equation. I have been 200 pounds for the longest time, I never have any energy and the food I’m eating has put me in a very unhealthy position, it came to the point that I’m in so much pain that my body is starting to slowly shut down. I never took anyone seriously about eating healthy and concentrating on what I eat until now. I just had a baby and I wanna be around to watch her grow up. I wanna be able to run around and have a bunch of energy and not having to say “sorry Luna , mommy is in to much pain maybe later”. I need a lot of help and support I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t want to give up.


  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    I am 52 and all my life I have been big , everyone I know , is like but this is who you are , you are the fat funny one . I am done , no more!! I also hurt all the time and I have 2 kids both almost grown , but still need MOM and I want to see grandkids , I want to be adults with my kids . So I am here for ya , I have to lose 200 pounds , I have lost almost 40 , and I am doing low carb , But that is just me , You do it how every you need too , but yes just do it . My aunt said something to me when I was 17 , that i will always remember (and I didn't listen to her ) The younger you are the easier it is to lose . It's never easy , but I wish at 30, I would have lost this weight .
  • uniquebbyxx
    uniquebbyxx Posts: 6 Member
    I am 52 and all my life I have been big , everyone I know , is like but this is who you are , you are the fat funny one . I am done , no more!! I also hurt all the time and I have 2 kids both almost grown , but still need MOM and I want to see grandkids , I want to be adults with my kids . So I am here for ya , I have to lose 200 pounds , I have lost almost 40 , and I am doing low carb , But that is just me , You do it how every you need too , but yes just do it . My aunt said something to me when I was 17 , that i will always remember (and I didn't listen to her ) The younger you are the easier it is to lose . It's never easy , but I wish at 30, I would have lost this weight .

    My mom says the same thing , about being younger and easier but I abused my body with all kinds of stuff so those young days are long gone
  • Wolverine_76
    Wolverine_76 Posts: 4,482 Member
    I’ll help you I’ll send you an FR
  • mommaneedscaffeine
    mommaneedscaffeine Posts: 6 Member
    I am starting my journey as well. I was diagnosed with Lupus two years ago and now have a total of three autoimmunes. I put on so much weight amd have exceeded what I weighed when I was pregnant. I am in pain constantly but hope losing weight will help, help lessen the pain, give me more energy, and over all healthy. I want to be able to move and do things with my son so getting everything in check is a must.
  • slwhitter78
    slwhitter78 Posts: 18 Member
    Well done on making the decision to change things. I turn 40 this year and have just started on this journey to lose weight but more importantly I want to feel stronger and have more energy. I have had lots of health issues (30 surgeries/ chronic pain) but I decided now is the time to be the best version of me possible. We will all have ups and downs but the great thing is Tammy that we can all support and motivate each other. Count me in your corner. Sam