Weight Loss



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited June 2018
    1-2 slices of pizza with a salad fits my calorie goal just fine.
    If you did not eat all day you have 1,200 calories or more for your meal and can eat probably eat half of a pizza at least. Some people like doing that. Others moderate more and spread calories out through the day.

    I plan what I am going to eat and prelog my food. I don't forget to eat.
    My family eats out 1 meal a week. I cook the rest of our meals. We don't have surprise pizza at my house.

    I pair smaller portions of higher calorie foods with more lower calorie vegetables. I reduce calories in foods by using less cheese, less oil, lower fat milk, thinner crust for pizza. I might skip rice or bread if it doesn't fit well that day. My family can eat whatever they want.

    Part of handling it is just common sense. I don't try to have doughnuts, stuffed crust pizza, fried chicken, bacon cheeseburger and a peanut butter shake all in one day.
    I take the amount of food that fits my goal. I know it should be enough.
    It also helps not to eat too fast. The food stays in the kitchen so I have to walk there for more. I drink a glass of water with my meal. I wait 20 minutes before getting more food to see if I am really hungry still.

    You might find the volume eater thread interesting.

    I don't worry about water. I drink a glass with my pill in the morning, every meal and whenever I am thirsty. My urine is very light colored so I think I am plenty hydrated.