call me looney tunes, cause i'm back in action.

lmxxox Posts: 56 Member
did anyone even watch that one? i mean brendan fraser is great but i never made it through without falling asleep.

but anyways, hey ya'll.

i'm not new, been here a few years. but i am back after like.. 2 yearsof giving weight watchers the good old try! i'd just like to take a second to tell you about that, for those who have wondered if it works. because i know i was very curious.

first off, it totally does work. or at least did for myself. i mean they did this thing recently were they made a ton of foods 0 points and that was.. odd. probably not a good idea but it is what it is. it was a great app with a great community, tracking was simple (aside from the awesome people who would put food in the calculator incorrectly EVERY. SINGLE. TIME lol). it was somehow easier on my brain to have 45 points a day, rather than seeing 1,700 or whatever my calorie goal is. and for food to be shown in the form of points was cool, too.

but at the same time, everything does have calories and the whole point is to eat at a deficit. sure eggs may have been 0 points but they're also like 72 calories. and i was also sick of paying $20+ a month to miss a bunch of days due to this or that, and to also slip off the wagon and continue paying while i downed chicken nuggets and pizza rolls for days at a time.

i've used mfp in the past and have had success. i'm hoping to find more success than i have in the past, or even recently.

since it has been a solid year or so since i've really even logged on, i see a lot of my friends on here have too wandered onto other adventures. i would love to have some active, positive people who like to post on my friendslist. make me feel a little less lonely lol. i still have a bit of weight to lose and will be here for a while.

it's great to meet you in advance. :blush:
