Second time's a charm (my struggle with binge eating disorder)

silkelyss Posts: 25 Member
Hello everyone! My name’s Silke, 22 y/o, struggling with BED (Binge eating disorder) and currently living in Japan. Here’s my story.

Two years ago, I lost about 15 kilos (30 pounds) over a span of around 4-5 months just by eating a bit healthier and portion control. I went from being 77 kg (170 lbs) to 61-62 kg (135 lbs). I was happy by all the compliments I was receiving, but I wanted to push myself further, as I had plateaued and I didn’t lose anymore weight. I still thought I was fat and overweight when I looked in the mirror (sigh). I started going to the gym, but started eating more (junk) at the same time as well. I kept hovering around 62 kg (lbs) and after 1,5 years, I stopped going to the gym and started bingeing again. Maybe it was the frustration, maybe it was general stress, even to this day I’m not sure what it was, but I let myself go.

Now I’m currently residing in Japan until the end of January 2019 as part of my master studies. Right before I came here in March 2018 and the two months I’ve already been here, I was bingeing non-stop. I’ve gained most of the weight I lost 2 years ago back (currently at 73 kg, 161 lbs). I’m very disappointed in myself and I want to change again, and this time I won’t get frustrated when I plateau at 62 kg, as I’ve realized now looking back on pictures I looked fine at that weight, even though I still thought I was fat. I need to learn to love myself while working towards being healthy.

I had my first binge-free day in a LOOONG time two days ago, June 9th, and it felt so good going to bed without a stomach that felt that it was about to explode!

All I want to do is get back to my previous weight, and manage my BED by the time I go back home in January. Time enough, right?


  • elisha36
    elisha36 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! I hope for the best for you. Keep up the good work and you'll see results your hoping for!
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Don't be disappointed in yourself, just realize that today (or two days ago) can be the first day of a new life and focus on that. You can definitely make great changes by the time you go back home in January, but don't go overboard and push yourself too far in the other direction. Keep strong, keep at it and keep realistic goals and you can accomplish what you wish.