Help! Quickly gaining and I don’t know why

So for the past month or so I had been backsliding on my diet. I wasn’t going all out and eating anything I wanted but I was having far too many cheat meals and ended up gaining 7lbs. I was so angry at myself and don’t understand how I could have gained so quickly. This past week I threw myself into being much more active, I’m back on my diet that has worked so far and allowed me to keep off around 35lbs. However, even after a week of busting my butt, I’ve actually been slowly gaining! I’m up half a pound from last week! The only real change I’ve made is drinking more water. Could I be retaining it? Ive been over on my reccomended sodium this week a couple times but the majority of the week I was under. I’m so frustrated any suggestions would be helpful, I need to get this weight I gained off and keep going.
