Petite Girl 5’0” Plateau - last 15 lbs



  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    OP, I'm 5'1, and I don't do what I consider to be cheat meals. Yes, there are certain foods I prefer to eat for my health, and there are foods I'd prefer I didn't eat for my health. I try to aim to eat 80% foods preferred for my health and allow (if I feel I want them) 20% for foods I'd prefer not to eat for my health, but that I probably crave.

    Then, I just track them. Most of the time if I have a food that's less desirable for my health, I aim to keep the portion of it within my calories for that day as much as I possibly can. I find this works better for me than when I used to do cheat meals. When I used to do cheat meals, I'd spend the rest of the week thinking about cheat day and getting worked up about it. Now, I eat the less desirable food, track it and forget about it, and now I find my mind has more constructive thoughts.
  • ptiteacadienne
    ptiteacadienne Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I started at 186 pounds in 2012 I went down to 135 in one year and was maintaining pretty well until this past year. I'm up to 147 and I don't want to go back to where I was. I have started logging my meals again and got back into exercise, mainly walking at a very brisk pace for now until I re-condition my muscles. I limit my calories to 1200 and don't eat the extra calories that I "earn" in exercise.

    I was reading the thread and was wondering was the recommendations would be for amount to lose per week. I have my My Fitness Pal set for 1lb a week at the moment but it may not be realistic. I'm looking to lose 15-20lbs total.
  • jille87
    jille87 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I do have a question - what is your diet with 1200 cals a day? Also, are the last 15 for me really vanity pounds? I ask because according to the BMI chart a female at 5 feet tall and 130 pounds is still considered overweight!

    Let me answer the second part of your question first with the last 15 pounds. I find that it is slightly complicated to answer but I will try my best. The BMI chart is a general guideline which can be helpful in bringing you down to an "average" or healthier weight, but for us at 5'0 125 pounds is considered "normal" while 130 is "overweight". Does this 5 pound difference matter? Possibly, but that's when it comes down to body fat percentage (in my opinion). Many people who have a very healthy body fat percentage are still considered to be "overweight" on the BMI scale because it really only factors in your height and weight which does not exclusively determine your overall health. My personal suggestion is to stay the course with cardio and, most importantly, strength training. You may find that at 130 pounds you have a healthy body fat percentage and look and feel fantastic at which point, I would argue that worrying about the BMI chart value is not exceptionally important. However, personally, I did not feel I looked my best at 130 and set my first goal at 120 which put me in the healthy BMI range. I was not doing any strength training at that time and consequently still looked not as fit as I had envisioned. Many others at our height, however, do find that 130 is a great maintenance weight for them and they look wonderful, so it may just be something to consider and decide for yourself once you get there if you continue to maintain/build muscle on your journey.

    As for my diet, I do not have an open diary, but I like to think that I have a very "high volume" diet. I like to eat and I like to feel full, so I have had to incorporate a lot of foods by trial and error that make the "full" feeling last as long as possible. A sample of what I have been eating this week is:

    Breakfast: Dannon light and fit greek yogurt (1-2) 80-160 calories; better oats oatmeal (100 calories), and on some days a scrambled egg + 1 egg white (70-85 calories)

    Lunch: This changes frequently, but typically consists of either a 240 calorie sandwich; turkey, village hearth 45 calorie/slice bread, laughing cow cheese spread (15 calories for half wedge), lettuce, tomato or I have a 200 calorie salad with either 60 g of turkey or 2 slices of bacon with my choice of dressing (I love Panera's poppyseed dressing with only 25 calories/2 tablespoons!), and strawberries and oranges.

    Dinner: This is my largest volume meal because once I eat dinner, I typically am done snacking for the day and do not eat again until morning...usually. Right now, I have prepared two different meals of the week. The first is 125g of jennie-o oven roasted turkey, simple gravy (10 calories/17 g), 200 g broccoli with 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese, 5 g cashews, and a side of creamette 150 calorie penne noodles. Add a few spices in there and the total for dinner comes to only 460 calories (approximately). My other meal is the turkey with pasta plus 2-3 servings of zoodles with pasta sauce. The total for the second meal comes down to only 380 calories.

    I do a lot of running during the week and therefore typically have a higher calorie allotment that puts me over 1200, but I have eliminated any other "snacks" I may sneak in each day in this post to give you an idea of what 1200 would look like exactly. My average though is higher because I need to eat back my exercise calories or I would not be able to sustain my level of activity.

    Sorry for the long post, yet again. Hope it helps!