
LeahSylina Posts: 40
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I finally realized how to customze my food page so I can track other things as well and have discovered that I am ALWAYS far over on my recommended intake of sugar.

It's only recommended that I take in 24g of sugar a day, which seems like very little to me when I see how much sugar is in so many different foods. How serious is it going over your sugar? If it will destroy my attempts to lose weight then I don't want that to happen! I'm going to replace my morning cup of coffee with green tea and I'm thinking of trying a no-calorie sweetner like Splenda. And I get the obvious - snack on more fresh veggies etc. I wish I liked more veggies, I think I'm just going to have to start making myself like them. Any other tips on lowering my sugar intake? My food dariy is public. And yes, I know I eat a lot of the Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice meals for lunches, and I'm not sure if they are the best option. I have 2 kids under 2 so whatever I eat needs to be prepared quickly.


  • poisonapple
    poisonapple Posts: 30 Member
    Fresh ingredients is the best answer. You wouldn't believe how much sugar is in sauces alone. Mayo, ketchup, salad dressing, etc. You can avoid this by making your own dressing at home and when eating out or on the go try to choose things without sauce. I haven't looked at your food diary but I bet if you cut sauce or limit to home-made (sugar free) sauces only you will have a much easier time.
    Most prepared foods in general tend to be loaded with sugar as well so you would probably benefit from taking left-overs for lunch instead of the lean cuisine ...sorry sister but those are probably a nasty culprit!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I just looked at your diary. You really should cut out the sugar you put in your coffee, that will help a lot! And I know you you mentioned the Lean Cusines but that has sugar in it too and TONS OF SODIUM in it, which is kind of gross on its own.

    Try preparing your meals the day before hand so you dont need to eat this processed stuff.
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    I'm sure prepping my meals ahead of time would help, just wish someone would tell me when I can get the time? My day is pretty packed. Not trying to make excuses, just stating a fact. My daughter is 2 months and my son is 15 months, so my day is pretty busy from the moment I wake up. I *should* be cleaning my house right now but I'm sitting here while I have a moment.

    I think I'm going to start grilling up chicken for lunch and steaming some veggies, since it doesn't take long to grill a chicken breast on the george forman. And saying goodbye to my beloved cup of coffee. Sigh. I don't know how I'm going to function without it!

    Meal preperation is always something I despise! I want to know how to enjoy it more. I can barely get up the energy to cook a halfway decent dinner. I bought a healthy recipe cook book that has lots of meals in it that can be prepared fairly quickly, which is helpful, and my hubby and I have been going over it to pick out about 10 good meals we can rotate for dinners. I don't know why but this part of trying to lose weight really depresses me. I don't enjoy the exercise either (don't know many people who do!) but it makes preparing meals that much harder for me and I feel like I'm barely floating as it is some days.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Leah - on the weekends when DH is there to help cook up some "bulk" foods like ground beef, grilled chicken, etc. Put them in individual serving containers. Then, during the week grab one, warm it up and use it. Put the chicken on salads or in tortilla wraps. Use the ground beef for mini tacos (with small tortillas), sloppy joes, etc. You'd be amazed what you can do with some grilled chicken and some ground beef in the fridge!!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I can understand being busy. I work and go to school full time and I try to work out 5-6 days a week. You need to find the time. Maybe cut your sleep short by 30 minutes? Even preparing meals for the week works, this would take a longer period of time but if you are serious about the weight loss its things that you need to do, make sacafices. For the longest I had "no time" to do the the right things.. glad I made time because now I am down 50 pounds.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I can attest that as a new mom (my daughter is also 3 m/o like Leah) that cutting 30 mins out of sleep is probably not an option since our little ones do that for us - many times a night! :tongue: I think your post and the fact that you're even tracking things like your sugar intake shows us you're serious about this. Just remember - it took a LONG time to get it on. Its not going to come off in 3 weeks (sadly). :laugh: You're doing great and it will happen for you!
  • The sugar kills me everyday too. I eat an apple and an orange almost every day, and I've been doing that for years.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I have this issue to. It seems like even if you eat fruit, the sugar is there. No matter what you eat its there and a lot of it. Of course, sodas, and stuff like that will pack it on, but how do you eleminate sugar from every day foods? Prepared or not?
  • aniko74
    aniko74 Posts: 2
    Hey i'm new to myfitnesspal, and yesterday i was shocked to find out that i was over my sugar limits.
    I ate 2 bananas and that was enough right there, but i cook myself and make my own dressings, always fresh food in the house. Most of the times we grill our meat, otherwise we bake it. Everything is o.k. , but the sugar. I guess i have to find a way to lower it some more. Even my coffee i drink with 1 tsp. of sugar.
  • JensLogin
    JensLogin Posts: 74
    I found an interesting article on sugar, you may find helpful. Link is below:

    There is also a great book out there, can't remember the physician who wrote it, but it's called, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body." It talks about the impact of sugar on your brain and body.... very interesting stuff
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    thank you that was a very useful website.
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