Need some support

So I am struggling. I have at least 100lbs to lose so I have a long way to go. Was thinking of going back to slimming world for the group support and that accountability of someone weighing me every week but honestly I love calorie counting so want to stick with this. So I need friends.

So about me......

I am 38, married with 2 kids. Go casual admin work as I have an autoimmune disease which has put me in a wheelchair and not always well enough to work. But I am determined. I try to go to the gym on my well weeks although obviously won't be running any marathons anytime soon. I obviously have an issue with food and I aren't going to suddenly like salad ha. But could really do with some friends that I can get to know so we can help each other xx


  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Welcome! I wish you the very best on your weightloss journey! I have 2 lose about 100 pounds as well! I will gladly send you a friend request for on going support and motivation.
  • Trevalong78
    Trevalong78 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 70 to lose. I'm 224 now. I have CIU, it is also an autoimmune disease. I also suffer hashimotos throiditis. So this is going to be an uphill battle for me.
  • Trevalong78
    Trevalong78 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 40 so that even makes it harder. I have to try something though.
  • chrissietiny
    chrissietiny Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 42 and a hard working mom to 7. I work as a tech support agent. I would love to connect as friends. Feel free to add me