I'm really stuck on what I should eat or cut out - diary is open



  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    It looks like you have a lot of the same things right now, yes, but don't want to get too bored with it for the future, yeah?

    Some things that have worked for me, in case it helps. :-)

    1. I have just a few - like 3 or 4 - meals that I absolutely love. They may take more to make, but I love these recipes. I keep them as a special thing to only have periodically, but when I do, I end up really looking forward to them so it's a nice thing to have and keep things interesting and positive in the diet, you know?

    2. I don't have a lot of foods I can have, due to allergies, so food can get real boring, real fast. One thing I do to keep things interesting is come up with lots of variations for a few basic foods. First thing was to build up a good collection of spices, then get some seasoning staples like fresh ginger or turmeric, soy sauce, etc...

    Then, as an example, I can have potatoes and beef, so I have a basic dish with that (just salt and potatoes and beef), and then a more Asian variety (I make it with green onions, ginger, turmeric, and other spices), also a soup with spicy beef and potatoes and a bit of veg, and then I make grated potatoes fried into little patties with beef on the side, or I make burgers and fries, and so on and so forth.

    It helps me in a big way because even with the same staples every week (and therefore the same costs), I can still have more variation in my day to day meals so I don't get bored, and also have some variety in the nutrients I get.

    I do this for most foods I eat, and it has worked really well. :-)

    As an example I could see after looking at your foods- you could maybe make a rice porridge in the mornings instead of oatmeal, some days. They are really good with a little savory in them, like little bits of smoked fish or green onions. Or blend up banana and dates and add them to rice or oat porridge (and then bake it for a while) - it is really tasty.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I had a quick look and you seem to be going fine and others have given some great ideas for variety. One thing I'd suggest though is to buy digital kitchen scales and use them. Inaccuracy with logging won't show up much now but it will the closer you get to goal weight which is the reason that many hit that dreaded plateau. They are often eating more than they think they are.