Not losing Any More !

.hey yall, I set myfitnesspal to lose 2lb a week and that's 1560 for me I have been at it for almost a month now and only lost I'll say 5lb I'm a house wife and I got my activity set to light active I do the Jillian Michaels 30day shred 5 days a week and I try to eat back my exercise calories and I also weigh everything I eat I weigh in grams since it would be more accurate but now it seems like I came to a stand still I would lose weight one week and the next I wouldn't! I will be 226 one week then 228 the next it's getting frustrated...should I up my calories to lose a 1lb a week ! ? Any help would be greatly appreciated I'm 5'8 if that would help...TIA sorry for the long post ! ❤


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Five pounds in almost a month, while not quite at your goal, is a really good rate of loss.

    I would question if you need to make any changes at all.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Your scale weight will fluctuate because of a few factors but water retention is going to get you often as a woman. You can be losing fat while the scale show the same or even more weight when the increased water offsets the fat loss.

    You don't have enough information to make any changes yet. You need to give it more time.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited June 2018
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Your scale weight will fluctuate because of a few factors but water retention is going to get you often as a woman. You can be losing fat while the scale show the same or even more weight when the increased water offsets the fat loss.

    You don't have enough information to make any changes yet. You need to give it more time.

    ^This. During my largest weight loss phase, I would gain steadily the first 2 weeks of my cycle and then lose steadily the 2nd 2, and it really wasn't until a few months in that I could see the true weekly average.

    However, you also say you are set to lightly active and eat back exercise calories. Calorie burn estimates are often over-inflated, and many choose to only eat back half and tweak that over time depending on their results. I can't say if your activity level is accurate, but I believe the minimum standard for lightly active is >5000 steps/day.