fitbit and eating

I have been on vacation in New York for the past three days, essentially on an eating tour. using fitbit and mfp, I have determined that I have been walking an average of 11 miles a day for the past three days, and eating about 2500 total calories everyday, which is far beyond my normal 1500. how will this affect my weight loss? obviously I am far more active and my body needs more calories, but does it need 1000 more? mfp says I am burning about 1000 more calories daily, and the nature of my trip means I do end up consuming about 600 of those calories back. I haven't weighed myself yet but I'm scared to. does this huge caloric increase affect my weight loss if my caloric expenditure has been increased as well? what are the effects of this new eating and exercising lifestyle? tomorrow I leave so I would just like to know what I should expect as far as the effects of three wild eating/exercise days