Veggie Hater here - Help



  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    ooops. just remembered you are diabetic. so don't go crazy on the fruits. Have you tried low carb, high fat, moderate protein? Do some research on that. it won't free you from having to eat veges---they are still good for you. and the 'fixes' I mentioned still work for a diabetic (i am too). there are lots of recipes for eating this style, and I know you don't like to cook, but you are making huge life changes--so add one more! hahaha--start cooking a little. You can pick one day, try recipes, find what you can eat. then you can still do the one-day cook thing and prepare extras of what you like, freeze in serving sizes and you have it for the week! I used to hate to cook, now I actually love it. We have to make changes for the best in small steps and sometimes, we are surprised that we actually LIKE those changes!

    ps. since you like corn, try a corn chowder with hidden low-taste veges pureed and eat with a nice protein to slow down the corn in your system.
  • clearly_ninja
    clearly_ninja Posts: 62 Member
    This post reminds me so much of myself when I first joined mfp. I woudn't eat any veggies except carrots - and only when mashed with butter. I eventually (and it has taken a long time) found a few veggies I enjoyed, but I still avoid anything green as a rule. This happened due to other people cooking for me when I shared accommodation and I got to try new things.

    I now love love love carrots, just boiled, onions, peppers, cauliflower, sweet potato and parsnips. I've recently started to tolerate salad but only with some form of dressing (balsamic vinegar is good) but no cucumber or tomato.

    I still find it hard to get veggies in my diet but I make an effort to try. I could sit and eat a full grilled pepper and onion with a bit of something else like chicken.

    I genuinely thought that the only way for me would be blending it all in so I couldn't taste it but the sweeter veggies - Mainly root veggies are amazing. Get some friends together to cook, we used to alternate who would cook each sunday and its a great way to discover new foods.

    (I had been forced to eat veggies as a child so I figure my dislike of them is psychological but i'm also discovering that different ways of cooking veg can bring out better flavours)
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    My mother in law sent us a book named 'deceptively delicious' which is about hiding pureed veg in other recipes to trick fussy children. Truthfully the quantity of veg per portion is quite low and it takes a lot of effort to get there, but it might be a starting point.

    Cook and puree some veg, then hide it in a chilli or curry - no texture, plus the spices will mask the flavours.

    My other advice is try veg you have never tried before. Get something exotic, something you have to google to know how to cook. You might have more success with food that you don't have preconceived ideas about.