Any women out there over 40 with the metabolism of a speeding sloth?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    :) Just an awareness note :)

    The OP aroura1borealis hasn't checked into the forums since 22 June, 5 days after she made this post.

    Don't let this deter you if you wish to talk about being in your 40's, menopause, or metabolism, or disabilities/illnesses, just know that she isn't listening.

    Cheers, h.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi there,

    Would like to connect with anyone who has been able to make progress with their weight loss despite being over 40 and despite a slow metabolism.

    And feel free to add me as a friend! :)

    I know how you feel ,I have lost 45 lbs in the last 5 years but gained back like 10. Im 44 and have several health issues. most BMR calculators tell me my BMR is 1400-1500,its not after a few years of data its 1272 calories. I lose very slowly eating 1500 or less even though I can burn over 2300+ a day.when I mean slow I mean less than a lb a month. no joke. Ive had all kinds of blood tests and so on and there is nothing that comes up that answers why its so slow. I have no thyroid issues or anything that should slow it down that much. I also never dieted either before so its not from that.Im told I should maintain on 2300 or more and with my TDEE being 2300+ you would think I would lose eating more than 1000 calories less. Nope doesnt happen that way for me. Im maintaining at 1900-2000 calories and thats around 1500-1600 net most days.

    I know people will say oh you have to have something showing up in blood work. or you arent weighing everything or blah blah blah. nope I weigh everything on a food scale and with what Im burning in a day I still should lose at least half a lb a week. I have 40lbs to go and I cant eat less than 1300 or Im so hungry its not funny. even my hormones are in the normal ranges. I have had many other tests run and all come back normal.

    so yeah my loss is at a snails pace. I even had a friend suggest eating 1500 calories a day and not eat back exercise calories. Ive done that and still nothing.I cant get my TDEE/BMR tested because no where around me does it and I couldnt afford it if they did. I am however losing fat right now so I cant complain too much.But it does get frustrating so I gave up trying to lose weight. Im staying in a range where my body is maintaining my weight.