I've been at this for a while now, going on 3 years. I lost some weight initially and have been working at recomping since then. Things are going well enough but I made the stupid decision to get myself a new scale over the weekend. The one I've been using up until now was a really cheap analogue that measures in 2lb increments so I thought a digital with tighter accuracy would be a good investment. The trouble is that this new scale says I am 10lbs heavier than my old scale so I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I understand that, had I started out using this scale, my starting weight would have just been 10lbs more as well. My actual weight loss hasn't been wiped out but it's a little frustrating that my BMI, BF% estimation and my meal planning/calorie allotment are now totally out of whack. Not sure where to go from here.

When I was at the store trying out the different models available, there was one that said I weigh 133lbs with all my clothes on and carrying my purse whereas the one I ended up purchasing says I'm over 140lbs under those conditions. For reference, I'm normally 130lbs nekkid, which is ~132lbs clothed and ~134lbs with my purse. I'm tempted to go back and get the one that measured super low for the sake of my morale. Stupid scales.

Venting. Grrrrr.


  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Do you go to a gym that has a professional scale that you could try out, to make sure the new one isn't wrong? I'd say stick with the new one, though. It might be throwing things 'out of whack' mentally but you just need to accept that regardless of the number, your body has not changed one single bit. You feel the same and look the same and have made the same progress, all things you should be proud of!

    If you don't have to change your calorie allotment, don't. If MFP gives you MORE calories now, you don't have to eat them. Don't let this throw off your rhythm :smile:

  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    The triple beam at my gym must be a second hand or something because it is very indefinite due to the amount of wear on the beams and in the zero'ing function. I can get a bunch of different measurements without even stepping off of it so I avoid that one. There is a digital scale that reads closer to my old scale than the new but agrees with neither of them.

    I'm not going to change anything and I've been comforting myself with the fact that, on the same shopping trip, I bought jeans in a size that I haven't worn since junior high. So take that, mean scale! I do not weight 140lbs!! LOL
  • Vonny198334
    Vonny198334 Posts: 178 Member
    edited June 2018
    Argh, so frustrating for you!

    Don't know if it's any help, but I had a similar problem so I put some dumbell weights onto the scale.
    The reading was a few pounds out so I reset the scales before reweighing the same amount again - they were bang on.

    Just a wee idea, know how irritating it can be when you can't rely on what the scales are telling you. Hope you find a fix!
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    Argh, so frustrating for you!

    Don't know if it's any help, but I had a similar problem so I put some dumbell weights onto the scale.
    The reading was a few pounds out so I reset the scales before reweighing the same amount again - they were bang on.

    Just a wee idea, know how irritating it can be when you can't rely on what the scales are telling you. Hope you find a fix!

    Even after reading the instructions for it, I don't see any way to zero the silly thing otherwise I'd be all over that like Oprah on a baked ham!
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    This crazy new scale tells me I've lost 9lbs this week. At maintenance >.<

    I guess I'm good as long as it doesn't say I weigh more and my pants still fit. Cursed technology.