Food diary tracking + working out = realistic?

Getting back on track and looking for some feedback, please. Admittedly, it's tough enough to stay within my calories, track honestly and exercise. But, I'm sticking with it this time.
My question is, since I haven't been successful with this for more than a month or so at a time, does it get easier? IF so, when? :)

Always looking for motivating friends - feel free to add me. Thanks for the help!


  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited June 2018
    What aspect(s) in particular do you find difficult? Sometimes people make it harder than it has to be by being too aggressive or putting unnecessary restrictions on themselves. If a person chooses a reasonable weekly weight loss goal (2 lbs/week is really only for those who are quite obese, and even then may be too steep of a deficit for a person to accomplish comfortably), and eats a balanced, well-rounded diet that doesn't eliminate things that they enjoy, it should be sustainable and not cause undue discomfort. Also, while an exercise you enjoy is great for fitness and has lots of benefits, if it just creates more pressure for you right now, it's not necessary.

  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    My question is, since I haven't been successful with this for more than a month or so at a time, does it get easier? IF so, when? :)

    TLDR: Yes it does get easier, but each person has to find their groove.

    Most people get the fitness and health bug and try to change everything bad they have done for years into everything good to see results in months. it is almost always a formula for failure.

    But I see a lot of people that continue trying and with each iteration they start finding things that work best for them. Just small things they can consistently and permanently do. Again, some make the changes drastically and immediately, but for most it takes a few times to start being able to find what works for you.

    It DOES get easier because your body gets used to the routines, the exercise, what meals work, what calories you need to stay around, etc. It is an improvement of the mindset to be conscious of living a better, healthier life overall. So even in times when I am NOT doing well with eating and exercise, I am more cognizant of it and find myself righting the ship quicker, more than letting things get to far gone. And each time I get back on track it does get easier and feels more comfortable.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Ditto what @try2again said.
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    A little bit about goal setting... I set my goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week, which should be reasonable since I have about 60 pounds to lose. That put me at 1240 calories per day. That was something I could not sustain - I was tired and hungry. So, I lowered my goal to lose 1 pound per week. I find that very doable. It will take me longer to get to my goal, but I know I can get there without feeling miserable. My exercise is walking - I find it relaxing - it helps to clear my mind. I go slow (2.5 mph) - if I had to walk fast, it would not be enjoyable. My point is, make adjustments in order to find what is sustainable - even if it not what the cool kids do.