Fifty and Fat but want to be Fifty and Fit

karenharrup Posts: 7 Member
This group is for ladies of a "certain age" who are finding that hitting the menopause has made losing weight, motivation to lose weight and exercise and all the little "extras" that you get with the menopause are standing in the way of becoming fit and fifty plus.
Post any tips, advice or questions that you may have and we can support one another on our journey


  • amwiggler
    amwiggler Posts: 428 Member
    This looks like the group for me. I am officially post-menopausal (effective around February) and more than 30 pounds gained to show for it. I am almost getting away with it (loose clothes, etc.), but when I said something to my doctor and he looked at my history, he agreed the jig is up and something has to change. MFP is one of several recommendations he made. So now it’s, tracking, measuring and the whole thing, in the hope of dropping as much as a half pound a week into the foreseeable future. Trying to lose more than that is what helped me put on 30+. On the bright side, at least for me, is that something shifted late last year and my energy and motivation are back. Between 50 and last year it was really hard to stay committed and energized. One other recommendation he made is around 150 g per day of protein in the mix - I am having trouble hitting that, with or without meat. Thoughts welcome.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i'm with you.
  • Katie18660
    Katie18660 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there. Today is my first day back with MFP after a long break. I really need this support right now. So tired of telling myself I’ll do better tomorrow and then don’t. My weight loss goal is just to feel better instead of tired all the time. Sorry for being so negative.
  • amirer
    amirer Posts: 2 Member
    How timely! I'm postmenopausal, recently back to MFP and trying to reverse the slow creep of weight that's settling around my abdomen. I just joined a fabulous gym that has small group exercise classes; that should get me motivated to diet, plus improve mood, sleep, and general health and fitness; I also just restarted tracking my food here at MFP.

    Katie18660, sorry you're having a hard time!!! It's like the rules changed with menopause. So annoying.

    Mostly Water, are you bicycling? I stopped a couple of years ago and am having trouble restarting; I'm okay when I'm on the bike, but just have a hard time talking myself into going.
  • onedayatatime101
    onedayatatime101 Posts: 12 Member
    hello everyone I am getting closer to 60 and wow that is so hard to grasp I keep wanting to do the things I did at 30 lol but I MUST set boundries for myself and keep moving forward feel free to add me I am looking for support and encouragement as well as giving it :-) I would also like input on exercise for lower back pain I can go to the physical therapy but it seems like so much trouble for something I can do at home