Hey all I'm Leigh and will begin my journey tomorrow

leighrquinn Posts: 10 Member
I come from many diets and those who worked like Paleo vs ones that didn't such as Weight Watchers (very weird community) I am beginning MFP to do this without a diet but learning to eat and live like a person.


  • hippysprout
    hippysprout Posts: 1,446 Member
    Hi Leigh, welcome to MFP :)

    I know weight watchers works for some people, but it's not for me. Neither is paleo though. As you say, I prefer to simply fuel my body with what it needs to perform and fit it into a moderate calorie deficit. I find myself happier when I can indulge in a treat, or have a heavy carb day when I feel like it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to change your life.
  • leighrquinn
    leighrquinn Posts: 10 Member
    My cholesterol was actually thru the roof with freestyle. I want to be healthy a bit curvy and not gross looking.
  • leighrquinn
    leighrquinn Posts: 10 Member
    My fitness pal is not a cult like I saw I am so excited to do this
  • Sassyk35
    Sassyk35 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi I'm just restarting my weight loss journey. I have tried weight watchers & other duets as well. No cult here. Good luck we can do this! !
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    My fitness pal is not a cult like I saw I am so excited to do this

    The whole community might not be a cult, but you'll definitely find pockets of users here on the forums who have very strong beliefs about various things.

    Welcome, and best of luck!