i have 5 weeks and counting! HELP ME



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,591 Member
    Lose at a sensible rate (at your current weight, 1.5 pounds a week would be about the maximum), work your way incrementally into an enjoyable cardiovascular/strength training program, put your nutrition in the best form you can manage (with sufficient protein, healthy fats, plenty of veggies/fruits, and enough treats to keep you sane). That will give you the best possible results for good appearance and vitality for your trip.

    Losing too fast creates a risk of reduced energy so listless manner, weakness so less ability to enjoy Jamaica, unnecessary loss of muscle alongside fat (i.e., flabbier looking), sallow complexion, possibly even thinning hair: Not cute, not fun.

    Will those things for sure happen if you lose too fast? No, not for certain. But you increase the risk.

    The sensible calories + solid nutrition + healthy exercise route increases the odds that you'll look more toned, have a glowing complexion, shiny hair, and an attractively vivacious manner. That's a better look, and feels better, besides.

    But you're the one betting these odds, so it's your choice.

    Enjoy the trip! :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Drink lots of water, and be VERY diligent with your food journaling. Whenever I “flatline” it’s usually because I’ve become a bit lax in the recording of what I’m eating. I just have to remind myself the more I log, and the BETTER I log, then the better chances if something goes wrong, I can diagnose the problem....see what happened more easily. Scale doesn’t lie, neither does the food journal if you fill it out right.

    I’ve seen suggestions for Jillian Michaels Shred - or you can do P90X or Insanity. Most studies show if you do your workouts in the morning, then you’ll be “burning calories better” throughout the day.....it makes better use of your metabolism and fuel/energy that way.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    The good news is that no one weighs you in when you arrive at a vacation destination.

    The other good news is you are traveling with your parents and they love you no matter what you look like or what your weight is.

    The final piece of good news is that if you take the advice above about having realistic expectations and not trying some extreme approach to lose vanity pounds and water weight, you will go into your trip maybe 5-10 lbs lighter, with some good sustainable habits that you can continue during and after vacation.

    Enjoy the trip. Jamaica is awesome!
  • lexieohl2387
    lexieohl2387 Posts: 13 Member
    from personal experience, do it out of LOVE. when you’re doing it because you’re aggravated with yourself and trying to meet a goal weight on a set date, it can be stressful and next thing you know you’ve lost motivation & gained even more aggravation. it’s easy to give up when this happens hence a loss in progress. when you do it because you enjoy seeing changes and you enjoy the process, ur motivation will rise tremendously. it’s just something that happens naturally. with that being said i wouldn’t cut your calories extremely low or anything just for a vacay because that will bite you in the *kitten* in the long run. just don’t be too hard on yourself and remember you have to love yourself first!