Iifym fiber

sody78 Posts: 25 Member
I have a macro breakdown from Iifym and it's 2554 cal
ere are the macros our IIFYM calculator generated for you:
Protein Grams: 188
Fat Grams: 85
Carbs Grams: 259
Fiber Grams: 34-45

When added up, your macros yield a total of 2554 calories.

How do you enter fiber on my fitness pal and wjstcsort of food counts as fiber??


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    You can change your tracked nutrients in FOOD > Settings.

    OR - fiber is tracked by default on the Printable Version of the food diary, accessible at the very bottom of the food page by clicking "View Full Report (Printable)."
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Always check the food entries you use for accuracy, which includes checking to see if fibre is entered correctly. I also make sure the "total carbs" entry shows total carbs, not net carbs.

    Fibre comes from plant foods - grains/cereals, legumes, fruit and vegies, nuts, things like avo and coconut etc. Some foods have added fibre sources.