To the Ladies....

I read a whole thread earlier and alot ya'll (yes I'm from the south :-) ) replied about how you are trying to lose some weight despite the fact that you're in a healthy range. I can relate. I mean we could all lose five lbs. and we would feel great, but just don't get too obsessed and too unrealistic about your goals. I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over- "i want to weight 120, i want to weight 110." If you can't get there, don't push your body and take drastic measures! Our culture seems to enforce that <120 lbs. is the accepted weight and anything more than that is considered too much! Bottom line: Have realistic goals and be happy with your body and yourself. And to all you ladies using this site that don't really need to lose weight, use it as a tool to help you get your eating in check (if that's what you're trying to do), but don't use this site as means of dieting if you don't need to! And if you have an eating disorder, please talk to someone and get help!


  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Great post!

    I was talking to a friend of mine who's a dietitian and her way of thinking is that it's much healthier to eat good foods and be at a weight that is "healthy" and easy for you to maintain, rather than be yo-yoing on a diet.
  • gingerra19800
    oh so very true!! at 15 i was 150...AT 15!!! lol!! is it possible now of i gonna go nuts to get there hell no!! i want and need to lose a 100 lbs..i started at 265..if i get down to 180 ima be happier than a pig in ...u!!...i just want to be able to run and play with my daughter and if i feel sexy with my man.then thats a your absolutely right!! health first!!
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Gingerra I am in the exactly same boat as you. 150 at 16 and over a 100 to lose now. But we can do it!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    I think this is a great post - thanks so much for it! I can't disagree with a single thing you said in it. I'm 5'7"....I weighed 140 17. My husband looks back at pictures of me then (I'm 26 now, 27 in November) and thinks I look WAY too skinny. I've never quite been TOTALLY sure if he means it when he says that he likes me with curves, or if he's just saying that - but at the end of the day, who else do I need to impress?

    When I started this back in March, I picked a goal weight of 160. Do-able. As it turns out, I need to be right around 158 to get my BMI in the "normal" range. BUT - since this time last year, my cholesterol is down from 212 to 171, I'm down 25 pounds, I can run 3-5 miles at a time (and actually look forward to it most days!), and am in a size that I haven't seen since the beginning of college.

    There is so much criticism on us women to look skinny, be skinny, buy skinny. We shouldn't even think about McDonald's, let alone actually eating it. We're constantly subjected to celebrities who look better post-twins than most of us will EVER.

    But it's time for us as a gender to stand up and say ENOUGH! And support each other, for crying out loud. Instead of being the catty, b!tchy, jealous, competitive and MEAN people that we can be - stand up for each other! When society sees us stop beating each other up, maybe they will, too.

    *steps off soapbox*

    Cheers, ladies! :drinker: