Chocolate milk unhealthy?

So I usually like Yoni Freedhoff's info and blog and read it semi-frequently. He's a big proponent of getting junk food out of schools which I can understand and sports drinks out of school sports but he's really against chocolate milk as well. Apparently he's not the only one. It just seemed a strange position but maybe it's just me? Was curious what others' thought was on the subject.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    When I hear people critique chocolate milk as a healthy choice for school lunches, it's usually related to the sugar content. Perhaps that is the case here?

    Most chocolate milk has some kind of added sweetener (just milk and unsweetened chocolate wouldn't be palatable to most people). There seems to be a lot of attention to the percentage of sweetened beverages in the average child's diet right now, so I think some of that would be coming into play as well.

  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    I can understand that, I think that is the angle he approaches it but he quoted the Canada Food Guide describing chocolate milk as being to milk what apple pie was to apples. Which seems a little on the extreme side to me. I mean yeah I imagine it has higher sugar than white milk, but if I had to pick juice or milk I think I'd vote on the latter. I definitely agree that kids can have too many sugary drinks in their diet, but it just seems like demonizing chocolate milk is a little overkill. This is the most recent article he shared on it:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    But with that said, what's wrong with white lowfat milk for schools? We didn't have chocolate milk or juice in the school cafeteria when I was growing up. Not till High School.

  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    It's policy driven by aesthetics and emotion as opposed to evidence and reason. Policy based on individual pet peeves isn't likely going to go well. Seems to be a great deal of projection going on as well.

    What is the calorie difference between chocolate milk and milk?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    It may not be just the chocolate milk. It may be another instance of governmental parenting where the concern is that the child doesn't need the additional sugar because they are afraid he/she is consuming too much at home already. I am not saying it is true or not but I have definitely seen the shift away from trusting parents. I can remember a family vacation being called educational if a parent deemed it so. That changed toward the end of my HS years. After that you were required to be in school unless you were sick and a doctors note was needed after a certain number of days or it was unapproved.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    It's policy driven by aesthetics and emotion as opposed to evidence and reason. Policy based on individual pet peeves isn't likely going to go well. Seems to be a great deal of projection going on as well.

    What is the calorie difference between chocolate milk and milk?

    One cup of whole milk has about 148 calories.

    One cup of chocolate milk, same fat content, has about 209 calories.

    (according to Google).
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    The cals in our chocolate is 120, in strawberry 110, white is around 90.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    It's policy driven by aesthetics and emotion as opposed to evidence and reason. Policy based on individual pet peeves isn't likely going to go well. Seems to be a great deal of projection going on as well.

    What is the calorie difference between chocolate milk and milk?

    One cup of whole milk has about 148 calories.

    One cup of chocolate milk, same fat content, has about 209 calories.

    (according to Google).

    Thank you - that would have been my guess ~40-50 cals. It seems to be similar to the "inserting shot of chocolate" is somehow deterring the benefits of what would otherwise be nebulously be considered "healthy".
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited June 2018
    kami3006 wrote: »
    But with that said, what's wrong with white lowfat milk for schools? We didn't have chocolate milk or juice in the school cafeteria when I was growing up. Not till High School.

    Our county in Virginia offers 1% milk in plain, chocolate, and strawberry.

    We also have a website where you can fund your kids' account, view all the nutritional data for everything they offer, view a photo of each item, and set up what your kid can and cannot purchase. I'm pretty happy with how it's set up. Parents can make the choice for themselves.

    This is pretty cool!

    ETA I was kinda thinking I liked the idea of packed lunched so you knew what you kid was eating. But this is another solution. I guess I was raised on 4 packed lunches a week and we got to buy lunch one day a week. We chose very carefully which meal we wanted. I loved french toast day :)
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    But with that said, what's wrong with white lowfat milk for schools? We didn't have chocolate milk or juice in the school cafeteria when I was growing up. Not till High School.

    Our county in Virginia offers 1% milk in plain, chocolate, and strawberry.

    We also have a website where you can fund your kids' account, view all the nutritional data for everything they offer, view a photo of each item, and set up what your kid can and cannot purchase. I'm pretty happy with how it's set up. Parents can make the choice for themselves.

    This is pretty cool!

    ETA I was kinda thinking I liked the idea of packed lunched so you knew what you kid was eating. But this is another solution. I guess I was raised on 4 packed lunches a week and we got to guy lunch one day a week. We chose very carefully which meal we wanted. I loved french toast day :)

    I took my lunch most of the time too, except pizza day, and just bought milk, usually chocolate. But that was before the internet. I think this is a good solution as well. Each year, we have a open meeting where parents and kids can come in to taste and give feedback on entrees for the next year.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'd rather my kids have chocolate milk than juice or soda because it has more nutrition on the whole...but it is still a "sometimes" food in our house.
  • OHFlamingo
    OHFlamingo Posts: 239 Member
    I remember reading a study that kids will choose and drink the chocolate milk if both are offered; if given only the choice of white milk, the kids either didn't take the white milk, or threw it out without drinking it. Let them have their chocolate milk!
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    Growing up, if I wouldn't have had the choice of chocolate milk with my lunch, I wouldn't have had anything to drink with my meals. Our options were white milk and chocolate milk. I still don't like the taste of plain white milk, never have.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    So I usually like Yoni Freedhoff's info and blog and read it semi-frequently. He's a big proponent of getting junk food out of schools which I can understand and sports drinks out of school sports but he's really against chocolate milk as well. Apparently he's not the only one. It just seemed a strange position but maybe it's just me? Was curious what others' thought was on the subject.

    There is more sugar and more calories in chocolate than plain milk. That does not mean it is unhealthy. The nutrients of the milk are still there.

    My dd has always hated plain milk. She will only drink a flavored milk. She has never been overweight or diabetic. Her teeth are fine. She has been underweight and needed more calories from things like whole milk. I don't see a reason not to give her flavored milk.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yeah, I would think for most children, when consumed in normal quantities, the nutrients in chocolate milk would be a positive.

    You're not subtracting stuff (like fiber is subtracted from juice), you're adding some chocolate and some sugar. The link you shared contains the claim that it has more sugar than Coca-Cola, but Coca-Cola typically is just carbohydrates, while the chocolate milk is also going to have protein, calcium, and other vitamins. I think this comes down to how negative your feelings are about sugar overall. In the context of a balanced diet, I don't think sugar is something that children have to be shielded from.

    This, exactly. Milk has a lot of nutritional value especially for children. If you can get them drinking more of it by adding a bit of sugar, go for it.

    But then again, I also let my kids eat sugary cereals for breakfast every day.