I’m obese

Hello All,
I am growing tired of dodging my doctors calls to book another appointment because they’ll ride me about how much weight I gained back after my bout of depression. Honestly, I don’t see myself following through without some help- which is why I got this app. I just want to be able to feel good about myself again. What do you recommend for beginners who wants to at least lose 1/2 to 2 pounds a week?


  • Iffiormana
    Iffiormana Posts: 244 Member
    Everyone is trying to loose weight here.Some wants 10lbs to go and some wants 100lbs,so this is the best community for you.1st of all are you on medication for depression?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Start somewhere. Start by logging your food so you can see what you're eating. Add some exercise to your life. Start by walking or swimming or dancing or join a class. Just do something. Do it again tomorrow. Find some others on MFP to communicate with and share ideas. Read about healthy living. You can do this.
  • candicew70
    candicew70 Posts: 74 Member
    edited June 2018
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Start somewhere. Start by logging your food so you can see what you're eating. Add some exercise to your life. Start by walking or swimming or dancing or join a class. Just do something. Do it again tomorrow. Find some others on MFP to communicate with and share ideas. Read about healthy living. You can do this.

    This ^^^ Had a convo with my neighbor the other day who needs to lose 70lbs (has always struggled with her weight) about staying on track. It sounds really corny, but I just take it one day at time. Sometimes one meal at a time, if I need to. Today I got invited to a free lunch with nachos. I really wanted some of that queso but I thought about my walk this morning and the protein shake I had afterwards. So I just had the chicken, black beans, and some guacamole. Then tonight, I really wanted to crack open this fancy chocolate bar in the fridge. Reminded myself of the good choices I made at lunch and didn't want to blow my day. Small changes and good decisions every day add up.
  • GeekMomof2
    GeekMomof2 Posts: 10 Member
    100_PROOF_ wrote: »
    Get yourself a food scale. Learn how to log your foods here on mfp accurately.

    What helped me was learning portion control and moderation. I learned how to eat the foods that I love but within the proper portions. I still eat cake and ice cream but now I eat one serving instead of ten . Lol!

    It was shocking the first time I weighed my portions. you don’t need a fancy scale. I use a postage scale, measuring cups, and spoons. I don’t use it when I’m out, only around the house and packing lunch. It helps retrain my brain about what a single portion is. The first week is the hardest, but it gets easier.

    Also, be honest with yourself and try to log everything ... good, bad, or ugly. Accept the mix. Work towards more good than bad.

    Finally, get a network of strangers who don’t judge to support you and you support them. Make it a part of you day to check the newsfeed and comment. You’ll want to log in more. What do they say? ... it takes 21 days to build a habit. That’s just 3 weeks. You got this!!!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Just begin. To lose weight, you have to eat less/move more. I had just reached obesity when I, again, decided enough was enough. I started by stopping my dreadful non-stop eating of chocolate, candy, ice cream, cookies, cake, and set up a rudimentary meal plan - oatmeal, fruit and veg for breakfast, 2 crispbread, milk, fruit+veg for lunch, and a goal of making dinner "most days". My exercise goal was 20 minutes of walking daily, leaving phone and money at home. Then I rejoined the most "respected" dieting community in my country, lost some weight, but also started to ask questions, found MFP and other resources, and from then on, things got easier. I learnt that I could eat whatever I want, and that "whatever I want" is something completely different when I feel free to eat whatever I want, compared to when I try to eat like I "should". So many things I thought was important, are nonessential, or ineffective, or even counterproductive. Now I have had a normal weight for more than three years, and it's quite easy to maintain.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    The first important thing to do
    Is put your stats into mfp, this will tell you how many calories you need per day to lose weight, you can chose your loss per week but be realistic with that.
    Then complete the food and drink diary for everything you eat and drink and be honest about it.
    Start with those and then we can guide you from there.
    Finally there are lots of people on her that you can friend but remember be supportive in return.

    Then when you have your progress logged you can go to your Gp with confidence that you are actually helping yourself. Good luck
  • sbriges13
    sbriges13 Posts: 3 Member
    Iffiormana wrote: »
    Everyone is trying to loose weight here.Some wants 10lbs to go and some wants 100lbs,so this is the best community for you.1st of all are you on medication for depression?

    I’m on medication for anxiety, not depression. But even anxiety makes me crave sugar after it leaves me ragged.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Hiya! Welcome here. It is a good place to start. The place I always start ( i have started, lost, gained, start again .. repeat) is by sitting down and looking at what I eat .. and then I eliminate processed foods, sugars, and I get rid of bread, pastas, rice they don't like my *kitten* lol. I eat protein ( chicken beef fish & eggs) with veggies for ever meal. I once lost 89 lbs, but sadly gained it because because I went back to drinking pop, eating bread, pasta, rice, cookies, cakes .. all the good stuff! I have no again eliminated everything I know doesn't work for me even if I eat it in moderation. I drink only water, and black coffee. And I eat veggies ( non starchy ones - not potatoes, corn, peas) but almost all other veggies I eat. I do measure my food with a scale occassionally. I have lost again a bit but its a slower process this time. I have that if the determination is there you are good to go! Keep at it .. its not a race, slow and steady will win :):) good luck on your journey if you'd like feel free to add me :)
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    sbriges13 wrote: »
    Iffiormana wrote: »
    Everyone is trying to loose weight here.Some wants 10lbs to go and some wants 100lbs,so this is the best community for you.1st of all are you on medication for depression?

    I’m on medication for anxiety, not depression. But even anxiety makes me crave sugar after it leaves me ragged.

    Many people will say that you don't need to exercise to lose weight, and that is true as long as you are eating at a caloric deficit. However, I have found that with exercise you can eat more and it helps A LOT with anxiety. It is a natural mood elevator - scientifically proven to increase the "feel good" chemicals in your brain. So, adding in exercise is a win-win for weight loss and mood improvement.

    Personally, I love to eat. Food tastes good and I enjoy it. Therefore, I will fit exercise into my daily schedule in order to enjoy life more and eat and drink things that I like.

    You can do this! Next time you go to the doctor it would be awesome if they said your weight is normal! :sunglasses: