Want to be Toned but Not Ripped



  • justdoit2322
    justdoit2322 Posts: 32 Member
    High Intensity Interval Training is surely the way to go for toning or fat loss.

    This.. .for an example Jillian Michaels workouts or total body workout classes! <---I do this and see a difference in weight and physique :)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Do both. Lifting while on a deficit, you will not "grow" muscles. You will preserve the muscle that you do have.
    Make sure you're eating enough!

    I've been doing Stronglifts for almost a month. It takes quite a bit of work to lower body fat %.. If you don't like what you're seeing, stop lifting (but I bet you will love it!)
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Short answer.....DO BOTH!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I want to be Ripped, but not Toned!

    LOL I couldnt agree more!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Thinking you can gain a significant amount of muscle by accident is silly when you consider a natural pro bodybuilder would be happy with 5lbs of clean muscle a year.

    Anyway, start lifting now. You can't get big and muscular without the dedication or drugs to do so. By the way, toned isn't a real thing; it's a term created by women's media because it sounds sexier than lose bodyfat. Which is what you want to do.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Do both and check your mirror at least once a week. It's impossible to "get ripped" on accident or "all of a sudden."
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I want to be Ripped, but not Toned!

    I want to be shredded, not ripped.

    OP: you will not wake up ripped.
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means, but I used strictly cardio first (turbo jams/turbo fire). After the first 15 or 20 pounds came off I started including weights. I'm still working on reducing my body fat. I started at 180 and I'm down to 144. I use a scale similar to the one used at walgreens wellness center to track my body fat and muscle.

    ---either way I don't think you will get body builder big, Its kind of hard to build muscle (at least this is what I'm experiencing), those women who are building such mass are doing way more than we are doing. There are plenty if women on this Site who lift heavy and none of them look like men, I have ladies on my friends list who lift and they look great, I get advice from them all the time

    ----Take total body pic every six weeks to monitor your progress/physical changes
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Do both and check your mirror at least once a week. It's impossible to "get ripped" on accident or "all of a sudden."

    It's hysterically laughable at how difficult it is to ACTUALLY get "ripped" or "bulk"... and what women (mostly women because occasionally men have this random thought too) think will get them there.

    It's hard enough to get someone to EAT PROPERLY and put down the godramn twinkies much less pick up a black colored dumbbell and do some real work.

    laughable. it's simple laughable. It makes me want to punch people- I've been trying to get cut for months- and I'm still not there.. seriously.. I wish this magical world of where "I picked up a heavy weight and it made me accidentally bulky" would happen- I need to find this place.

    Really. i'd love to live in this fantasy world- because doing it the old fashioned hard- lift heavy and then eat at a deficit... it
    s really tedious and boring. seriously.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I've been lifting really heavy weights for 8 months now and there's no "ripped" in sight. Everything's a bit firmer and tighter, though.

    People get mad at people saying you should lift heavy, but I've tried it all and have gotten the best results by far from picking up heavy weights. And being committed to picking them up 3-4 times a week.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    It really depends on bf%. The less bf% the more ripped. Below is the same girl, Jamie Eason. The first she looks ripped at a low bf%, the second, she looks more 'toned'.


  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    hi Charlott, welcome

    You won't get bulky muscle if you weight lift. However if weight lifting doesn't catch your interest, you can always seek other activites like boxing or yoga or anything really. Anything that uses your muscles at least a little bit will help reduce your body fat (with the main help frmo your diet of course) which is the main goal you seek (from my understanding). However if weight lifting DOES interest you and the only reason you're holding back is because of your fear of getting bulky, I made a thread a while back you can check


    PS. lifting has many advantages from being strong to getting strong joints etc. But once again, that isn't the only way to achieve your fitness and goal. Find something you enjoy and get started! :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Hmm yes, this really is a dilemma. So many people have gotten huge and ripped accidentally. It's the next biggest problem we face as a society after obesity.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Do both and check your mirror at least once a week. It's impossible to "get ripped" on accident or "all of a sudden."

    It's hysterically laughable at how difficult it is to ACTUALLY get "ripped" or "bulk"... and what women (mostly women because occasionally men have this random thought too) think will get them there.

    It's hard enough to get someone to EAT PROPERLY and put down the godramn twinkies much less pick up a black colored dumbbell and do some real work.

    laughable. it's simple laughable. It makes me want to punch people- I've been trying to get cut for months- and I'm still not there.. seriously.. I wish this magical world of where "I picked up a heavy weight and it made me accidentally bulky" would happen- I need to find this place.

    Really. i'd love to live in this fantasy world- because doing it the old fashioned hard- lift heavy and then eat at a deficit... it
    s really tedious and boring. seriously.
    I think you should eat some more twinkies and turn down the cranky dial.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    Thinking you can gain a significant amount of muscle by accident is silly when you consider a natural pro bodybuilder would be happy with 5lbs of clean muscle a year.

    Anyway, start lifting now. You can't get big and muscular without the dedication or drugs to do so. By the way, toned isn't a real thing; it's a term created by women's media because it sounds sexier than lose bodyfat. Which is what you want to do.

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Do both and check your mirror at least once a week. It's impossible to "get ripped" on accident or "all of a sudden."

    It's hysterically laughable at how difficult it is to ACTUALLY get "ripped" or "bulk"... and what women (mostly women because occasionally men have this random thought too) think will get them there.

    It's hard enough to get someone to EAT PROPERLY and put down the godramn twinkies much less pick up a black colored dumbbell and do some real work.

    laughable. it's simple laughable. It makes me want to punch people- I've been trying to get cut for months- and I'm still not there.. seriously.. I wish this magical world of where "I picked up a heavy weight and it made me accidentally bulky" would happen- I need to find this place.

    Really. i'd love to live in this fantasy world- because doing it the old fashioned hard- lift heavy and then eat at a deficit... it
    s really tedious and boring. seriously.

    Is everything ok at home bro or are you just angry that you ran out of your brotein?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Do both now and eat at a moderate deficit.

    You're not going to get ripped by accident as it takes an immense effort to build muscles, and (1) you aren't going to accomplish much of that in a deficit and (2) since you are a woman, it is unlikely that would be able to do that even with plenty of effort and food without chemical help.

    ETA: I'm finding the entire process tediously difficult even as a dude. Relax, step back, and just focus on what you have to get done. If you find yourself getting "too ripped" or "too bulky" it's easy enough to eat an extra few slices of pizza or dial back the intensity.
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    I want to be Ripped, but not Toned!

    I want to be shredded, not ripped.

    OP: you will not wake up ripped.

    They are all just dumb terms!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Do both and check your mirror at least once a week. It's impossible to "get ripped" on accident or "all of a sudden."

    It's hysterically laughable at how difficult it is to ACTUALLY get "ripped" or "bulk"... and what women (mostly women because occasionally men have this random thought too) think will get them there.

    It's hard enough to get someone to EAT PROPERLY and put down the godramn twinkies much less pick up a black colored dumbbell and do some real work.

    laughable. it's simple laughable. It makes me want to punch people- I've been trying to get cut for months- and I'm still not there.. seriously.. I wish this magical world of where "I picked up a heavy weight and it made me accidentally bulky" would happen- I need to find this place.

    Really. i'd love to live in this fantasy world- because doing it the old fashioned hard- lift heavy and then eat at a deficit... it
    s really tedious and boring. seriously.

    Is everything ok at home bro or are you just angry that you ran out of your brotein?

    I love me some brotein!
