In seek of motivational help!

I haven’t been struggling per say, but I have a goal by the end of the year I want to be at! I’ve hit a plateau and that’s no good! I’m still activly losing, but some of my bad habits have decided to creep back into my life! Little cheats here and there. Yes, in moderation is fine, but I feel like I’m overdoing it!


  • plainj8
    plainj8 Posts: 5 Member
    I also have a goal and have hit the plateau. Im not really losing, i go up and down weekly and haven't moved on the scale. My trainer says its muscle building but it doesnt make me feel any better. I try and limit to 1 cheat day a week, but like you sometimes the treats, ie chocolate creep back in a lot! I just take 1 day at a time and hope for the best☺
  • snowstormy8
    snowstormy8 Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the same boat! But keep going forward and don't let the negatives overtake all the positives you've accomplished!
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,852 Member
    I've not done so well this week. Had a hankering for peanut butter oreos and had a box of ice cream sandwiches today. Hope I can reel it back in
  • thechiopodist
    thechiopodist Posts: 216 Member
    If you are still losing, despite the cheating, then it's not really cheating. No food is banned on a calorie controlled diet. If there are treats you really want a couple of times a week, or every day, then enter them into the diary in the morning, then plan the rest of your day around them. You might end up eating loads of mushrooms, (practically calorie free!) to fill up, but if it keeps you on track, then so be it. Just remember why you started your diet and every time you think you are cheating, tell yourself, out loud, why it's a bad idea.