I'm not gonna eat my feelings

Hey, this is the first time I've been serious about dieting. I've never really been concerned about my weight as I've never had any weight related issues from it and have good self esteem. I do eat out of anger though. I've had a serious physical disability my entire life, so my weight has been up and down my entire life due to inability to exercise. I recently reached my highest weight of 242lbs, and started to feel it in my knees, and decided I needed to get my weight under control so I didn't ruin my knees over something stupid as having to much cake LOL
I'm 4' 10", and have gone on a 1200 cal diet to start shedding some serious weight and get it off my joints. I'm to 25g of sugar a day, and do mostly high protein and high fiber. I'm just starting, but have lost 5lbs this week. I haven't felt hungry, and tried yesterday to have a cheat day and eat a typical portion I ate before the diet and ended up getting REALLY sick. It was a big motivator to make me realize I was eating to much and eating garbage. I've been strictly measuring my foods too, and not just guesstimating. I'm hoping I can make some friends I can keep in contact with and we can support each other. Also, we can give each other pointers on ways to exercise as people with limited mobility even if yours is just due to severe obesity.
I'm hoping I can lose enough weight by the end of the year, I can finally get some nice clothes and treat myself to some items I've want for a long time- and not worry so much if they fit or not.
