Any Distance Runners??



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    rnamy23 wrote: »
    I love racing. I'm doing a half marathon on Wednesday and am currently training for an October marathon.

    My goal for next year is to run three marathons -- I've never done more than one a year before. It's a challenge/treat for myself because I'm turning 40.

    I'm not very fast (my goal for the half marathon is 2 hours), but I'm pretty determined. That helps.

    I am 37 right now, and I would like to “treat” myself to a full marathon sometime before I turn 40, so I can relate to that! 😬 I have to laugh to myself when you say you “aren’t very fast.” It goes to show that one persons slow is another persons PR. This is why I love running so much right now. There is always a new goal to set, whether it be another race, a faster time, or just getting out there! You are an inspiration to me of what I hope to be when I’m 40!!!

    I've said for the last 12 months that I'll do a full by the time I'm 40... I'm 36 this year... we'll see!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    rnamy23 wrote: »
    I love racing. I'm doing a half marathon on Wednesday and am currently training for an October marathon.

    My goal for next year is to run three marathons -- I've never done more than one a year before. It's a challenge/treat for myself because I'm turning 40.

    I'm not very fast (my goal for the half marathon is 2 hours), but I'm pretty determined. That helps.

    I am 37 right now, and I would like to “treat” myself to a full marathon sometime before I turn 40, so I can relate to that! 😬 I have to laugh to myself when you say you “aren’t very fast.” It goes to show that one persons slow is another persons PR. This is why I love running so much right now. There is always a new goal to set, whether it be another race, a faster time, or just getting out there! You are an inspiration to me of what I hope to be when I’m 40!!!

    The individuality of it is one of my favorite parts of running -- it doesn't matter how fast other people run, because I'm competing against myself and what I'm capable of.
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    I've done three fulls, one in 2016 and two last year, and I'm registered for my fourth in October. I think it'll be my last full though. I do like the races but training is starting to feel more like a job than fun. I used to look forward to 90% of my runs. Now it's more like 50%. I also think it's just too hard on my body doing fulls. I'm getting OLD. ;)

    On the other hand, after my first marathon I said I'd never do something that stupid again and look at me now. lol
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm signed up for a marathon in Sept., an ultra in Nov., and thinking about signing up for a marathon in Oct.

    I'm not exactly following a training plan - I've downloaded a plan from Garmin onto my device and then modify it to better fit mileage goals. i.e. I add more miles than the plan has because I didn't want to decrease mileage when I started and I am continuing to increase mileage weekly.

    I've done some HM's and 1 marathon (it did not go well because of BG issues - I'm a type 1 diabetic) plus more 5K's, 10K's, etc. than I can remember. This year, I stopped signing up for every short race that fits my schedule and instead am focusing on building for longer races.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    FYI: There is a group for distance runners here:
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I'm running my fifth half marathon in November, so I'm not technically "training" right now. (In my mind, I'm not training until I add in weekend long while I'm running now, I don't think of it as training.) I try to do a half in the spring and another in the fall, as well as a few 10Ks here and there.
  • Legs_McGee23
    Legs_McGee23 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm training for a 50k in October. I've done 30+ half marathons, 4 fulls, and this will be my first ultra. Training was going very well until I was diagnosed with a "stress reaction" in my foot. I haven't been able to run for five weeks. I get to go out and run ONE mile on Thursday ... and then build back up from there. So I'm going to kind of fake my way through this ultra thing. :p