Burning calories and incorporating eggs

How can I be sure how many calories I am burning with walking while 2 lb weight one in each hand? I am wondering if there is a good website that helps estimate that sort of thing. I often think I am not clicking on the most accurate option in my fitnesspal app b/c there isn't an option for it that i can find. Also, I need watch my cholesterol but it appears if I egg an egglands best extra large egg w/o the yolk I am getting no nutritional value at all. Not even protein. Is that true?


  • DaintyWhisper
    DaintyWhisper Posts: 221 Member
    edited July 2018
    How much are you walking? I use a pedometer app on my phone and it keeps track of my steps throughout the day. I am able to enter my height and my weight and it gives me a calorie burn. It doesn't take into consideration if I walk with weights or not, but I'm not entirely sure of how much of a difference that really makes in terms of calories burned. (Not that it's not making a difference!) I would suggest at least keeping track of your steps, either with an app or pedometer clip, etc. When I enter it into my exercise diary, I search "Walking, 3.0 mod pace" or "Walking, 3.5mph, brisk pace." You're able to enter how long you walked and it will convert to calories burned. I usually just have it match up to the calories burned on my pedometer app. It's what works for me! Maybe someone else will have a better suggestion of going about it!

    As for the egg whites nutrition, you can use google to find that information. Just search "egg white calories" and it should show up.
    Here's what it says:

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Walking is bodyweight in lbs x 0.3 x distance in miles.

    Just add the weight of your weights.

    Look for a better diary entry for your eggs
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The added weights won’t make that much difference but if you want to find out how much, calculate the same walk four pounds heavier.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Egg whites are pure protein.
  • eviemariewarner
    eviemariewarner Posts: 5 Member
    @DaintyWhisper yes in theory google should give me an accurate answer but it really isn’t because I’m using Eggland eggs which differ slightly in their nutritional value, supposably. And I wasn’t doing hard boiled eggs. I did scrambled. I never find what I’m looking for b googling it. If I do, there is lots of conflicting information. One site says one thing and another site says another. I’ve guesstimated the best that I can. @jgnatca I did find that site and the information appears promising. I only have my iPod and think it does a lousy job of counting my steps! Thanks everyone!
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I very easily found the nutritional information via google.

    And there is really no reason to not eat egg yolks, recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on blood cholesterol.
