Thinking about giving up? Cheating? Need encouragement?

This is a tough one to post. It’s a reality check and time for me to be real with all of you and myself.
A year ago, I was in the best shape that I had been since high school (I was 37). I looked and felt great. I wasn’t at my goal but I was getting there quickly and was bound and determined to get there. At the same time, I was in the worst pain of my life. A herniated disc in my neck and surgery scheduled for 7/12. That event derailed my daily workouts cold turkey.
When I left the hospital, I was at my lowest weight since college and felt determined not to let the recovery throw my eating off. Well, life happened. I maintained for about a month and slowly, over the summer I gained about 7lbs. When the school year started, the stress started.... crazy schedules, son starting kindergarten and long days started to dampen my motivation. Then the house went on the market.... then the stress of musical season (hubby and I are music teachers) and packing and moving came along. And over the last 4 months of the school year poor planning, stress, lack of self control and motivation added another 10. Now, for several weeks I was scared to even look at the scale. Nothing fit anymore and I went back to my maternity shorts (my baby is 3) and my “fat shirts”. I got on the scale today and I am up a total of 20lbs.
I’m angry. Frustrated. And I feel like a failure. I worked so hard for sooooooo long and I blew all that time and energy away on taking the easy and quick way out. I didn’t make ME a priority. Eating crap that sounded so wonderful ended up making me feel like a pile of *kitten*. In addition, my neck has been flaring up again and it’s caused me to have had a difficult time trying to get my head in the right place to start this journey all over again. It just seems so pointless and impossible with how my life is right now.
I know, I know.... baby steps and start with small changes.... I’ve been down this road many many times. It’s gotta be all or nothing and I need to get my unhealthy fat a$s in gear again.
I’m not necessarily looking for a pep talk but if any of you are starting to waver and stray from the path, I’m urging you not to do what I did. Those snacks and treats are SO NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!


  • wuggo
    wuggo Posts: 4 Member
    I know how you feel. I am very close to my goal of 50 lbs. Ive been down this road before
    I will not kick the scale under the sink for the next year im weighing in every friday.
    Losing weight is almost the easy part. Keeping it off not so much. My mantra has been "3months from now you will thank yourself" good luck
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    Thank you! You as well! 😊
  • noodlesno
    noodlesno Posts: 113 Member

    I have a very similar story, was incredible shape before my surgery (20% BF) and then after it has piled on and I am now at my heaviest (40% BF) in two years. So I totally get your frustration.

    I am back on the weight loss journey (80 days in). Firstly I was cross with myself and then I decided I would not be cross with a love one if they went through a bad period lost there way, I would just encourage them to get back on the wagon. So that is how I am going to treat myself. It is tough as I am horrible to myself usually so it goes against the grain but I am trying really hard to practice self-care, mentally and physically.

    Anyway not going to give you a pep talk as you say you don't want it but maybe a little nudge to be nice to yourself.

    You've got this. ;)