Has anyone successfully lost weight while taking risperidone?



  • bubus05
    bubus05 Posts: 121 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    bubus05 wrote: »
    Switch to paleo/keto diet. Low carbohydrate intake is key meaning no bread no pasta no rice no potato lots of meat anything that contains fat, protein along with lots of veg and fruits. If you are a chocolate addict eat dark chocolate obviously not tons of it though. The medication in itself does not make you fat it makes you hungry so eat, just be mindful what you eat. Calculate you ideal daily calorie and stick to it, it should be in the range of a 1000-1200 depending on age/gender/weight, do some exercise daily anything really but don't over do it. It ain't easy or cheap to be fair but do this and you will lose weight guaranteed. I have seen it.

    No one should eat only 1000 to 1200, eat more than that! What a terrible comment.

    Look, based on my experience, if you follow a relatively strict paleo diet your appetite will automatically decrease.
    I dont know the scientific answer why, but you simply dont wish to eat more. Before the diet my intake was 2500-3000 a day now I am quite happy with 1000-1200 hence I wrote what experienced, my app suggested intake is 1510/day and at times I struggle to make it my partner is very similar she struggles to reach her suggested 1300/day. She says quote 'I am just not hungry I am fine'. But that's not the point. My point is I wanted disprove the idea that 'it is impossible to lose weight with risperdal' that seems to be the overwhelming opinion.