Intermittent Fasting and Workouts



  • rickdkitson
    rickdkitson Posts: 86 Member
    There are plenty of studies that show some fasting has positive results. Especially in regards to controlling type II diabetes. The eat anything and anytime you feel like it seems to be the recipe for some significant health issues.

    I don't think anyone is saying eat anything anytime, it all comes down to CICO. If you restrict your eating for 16 hours in the day you will not snack during that time. A couple big meals at either end of your 8 hour window with a smaller one in the middle will usually result in less calories than snacking or grazing throughout the day.

    It is the calorie deficit that makes the weight loss difference not the timings.

    There are studies that show the opposite of what you claim on Type 11 Diabetes

    Gives no information on the actual study.

    Uses only 41 part8icipants with significantly different ages between the two groups with no information that the researchers attempted to control for age difference. Also significant differences in time since diagnosis and the medications that the participants were taking and again no information that the researchers attempted to control for these differences.

    No detailed information on the study being quoted as the source.

    Most studies quoted in popular literature lack sufficient information in the news articles to adequately determine how valid they are and often the studies themselves are flawed and of not much use. They simply lack the necessary rigorous scientific approach to support the claims being made about the results.

  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited July 2018
    There are plenty of studies that show some fasting has positive results. Especially in regards to controlling type II diabetes. The eat anything and anytime you feel like it seems to be the recipe for some significant health issues.

    Yea, because I am here decaying and dying despite having excellent blood work, no health issues and have been succesfully bulking and cutting for the past 5 years despite eating whenever I want as long as I hit my macros.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    The only real benefit imho to IF is allowing you to eat larger meals during that short period of time. For some people they need to feel extra full to be satisfied, so starving for 2/3 of the day works better for them, and it also allows them to stay within their calorie goal easier. That's really the only benefit of which I am aware. I, personally, hate starving for 2/3 of my day, so I eat on average 5 sometimes 6 smaller meals a day, or 4 small 1 larger meal. I simply stay within my calorie goal and hit my macros whenever possible. I can still lose weight, decrease body fat, or gain weight if that's what I want, I simply don't have to starve to do it. There are likely some medical conditions that might favor intermittent fasting, I just don't know of any. No matter how you time your meals, you won't lose fat if you don't stay at a calorie deficit.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    There are plenty of studies that show some fasting has positive results. Especially in regards to controlling type II diabetes. The eat anything and anytime you feel like it seems to be the recipe for some significant health issues.

    Ah, yes. Those are the only two options available to us. We either do structured IF or we eat anything, anytime. Great framing here.