Back on track

Hello to all~
Just getting back on track with my weight loss journey. As a 54 year old woman (I fell 35!) my body has succumb to "middle age spread"; "spare tire", whatever you want to call it. I was in my best shape ever back in 2007-2008 after losing 40lbs. Unfortunately, these many years later I have gained it all back! I refuse to give in to the side effects of the BIG "M" and have refocused my mindset on being healthy. Just wanted to say hello from sunny Florida and would like any feedback from other dealing with the "hormone" issues of mid-life as a female.


  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Just wanted to give some encouragement and say my mom lost about 40 pounds during the dreaded M time, so it is definitely possible!
  • april111213
    april111213 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I also live in Florida! I am in perimeno pause..I'm trying to lose . It just plain sucks sometimes. I hate my spare tire!!! The damn thing just needs to fall off