I didn't just fall off the wagon. It ran me over.



  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    Well the more I fall off the better I am at recognizing it and getting back on? So practice
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    dblair27 wrote: »
    busyPK wrote: »
    My weight loss has been super slow because if it wasn't I would have "quit" and "restarted" over and over again by now. I enjoy whatever I want (like a donut this morning) knowing that I may just lose 0.5lb a week and I'm ok with that because over the last 1.5 year I've kept off almost 40lbs. Yes there are week(s) that I don't lose and honestly it's fine. I am more concerned with my health, fitness and feeling confident than the number on the scale. Hopefully you can find the healthy balance too. :)

    I've tried talking myself into that mindset a thousand times! The positive self-talk takes a lot of effort, but I think I've finally decided that health does matter more than the number on the scale... with that in mind, I still scale-obsess. At one point I tried to ditch the scale altogether, opting solely for measurements, but the not-knowing was driving me up a wall!

    Maybe looking at it in a way that complements your scale goals is better:

    If you do it slowly and sustainably building healthy habits in the process and enjoying your life, your weight loss will be slower, that is true. What's also true is that the number on the scale next year will likely be lower than it would be if you get suckered into another diet and regain cycle, and you will likely enjoy looking at that lower number for longer than the few months (weeks?) you usually maintain your lost weight after an intense session of dieting.
  • tonkacrew3
    tonkacrew3 Posts: 51 Member
    I am in the same space. I fell off the wagon (in a lifestyle change) because our economic circumstances changed and I had a harder time maintaining the healthier food choices. Plus, my family, doesn’t want a changed lifestyle and they eat unhealthy choices every day. So...I decided to keep my original lifestyle change but adjust it more for me personally. I realized that I craved the foods my family ate so I looked up a recipe app and put it where I could access it. Then, I looked up the healthier or even vegetarian options of those foods. I make those options and freeze the leftovers (if possible) so I have more at hand when my family decides to go on a whim. I also looked up what I may be missing nutritionally when craving certain foods like chocolate (I need almonds instead...and if the chocolate craving is strong, I have a quick and easy recipe for cocoa dusted almonds), the results have been drastic! I lose weight so much easier and don’t crave the unhealthy foods. I add fitness as I can and drink lots of water. I even found a way to drink carbonated drinks without worrying! Just purée fresh fruit, a dash of honey (local honey is good for allergies as well as a healthier sugar sub.) and a can of (or 8-16oz.) of seltzer water. I still fall, but not as far, knowing that I can eat what I want in moderation or in a healthier version (fast foods and all) I hope you have success! I hope that this helped too.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Im in the same boat. I lose weight and every time I get close to my goal, I panic inside and go crazy eating/ crazy hunger. Ive kept about 60lbs off but have another 50 pounds to go. Once people start noticing and making comments is I think i trigger for me to jump off that wagon. Have you noticed any patterns of why you stop?